NUM3511 Community Health Care in Nursing And Midwifery Practice Assignment
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Why am I doing this assessment?
This assignment will help you to understand and demonstrate the following unit learning outcomes (ULO):
- ULO1 Evaluate epidemiological data to determine community health needs and socioecological determinants of health.
- ULO2 Plan theoretical primary health care activities and strategies to meet identified community health needs.
- ULO3 Apply the concepts of health promotion, education and disease prevention across the lifespan and within different cultures and populations
- ULO4 Critically appraise the relevance of primary health care and inter-professional collaboration to the changing health needs of the Australian population. By completing these ULOs, you are demonstrating that you are working towards the following course learning outcomes (CLOs) and therefore, the related professional standards:
- Work collaboratively within the nursing team and with other health care professionals to ethically and effectively respond to diverse health care challenges.
- Access, evaluate and synthesise relevant information from multiple sources using digital technologies to inform nursing practice.
- Anticipate and identify potential challenges and develop appropriate nursing strategies/solutions.
- Apply broad health knowledge to a range of theoretical and practical nursing situations.
- Critically analyse, interpret and conceptualise complex nursing practice.
- Demonstrate a global outlook with respect for cultural diversity, including Indigenous cultural competence.
- Work collaboratively within the nursing team and with other health care professionals to ethically and effectively respond to diverse health care challenges.
Employability skills addressed
- Reflective practice
- Decision making
- Critical thinking
- Problem solving
- Communication
- Digital literacy
- Conflict resolution
- Time management
- Teamwork
- Cultural competency
- Leadership
- Creativity and Innovation
- Self-awareness Self-efficacy
- Professional Identity
- Resilience
- Interpersonal skills
- Interprofessional coordination
- Emotional Intelligence
- Cross-cultural awareness
- Self-awareness
- Career decision making
- Opportunity awareness Transition learning
- Career planning
- Specialist skills (course specific)