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Planning and Creating Static Visualizations Assessment 2

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Question Task Id: 495974

Planning and Creating Static Visualizations Assessment 2

1710055-554609000James Cook University Data Visualization


The raw data given for analysis is given below in table 1. It gives the marks attained by 8 students for 9 subjects. Three visualizations are created below for 3 different audience which serve three different purposes.





Target audience

The target audience for this visualization is lecturers of science department who teach mathematics for first year students.

Intended meaning of visualization

This visualization is made for teachers to identify students who are poor in mathematics and to understand which students are good, average and below average considering the average to be 50% for mathematics.

Assumptions required:

Data assumption:

Average mark for subject under study is 50%

The lecturer can understand or interpret

statistical terms such as mean, range.

Percentage of marks

How normal or desired distribution of grades look like graphically

The marks are assumed not to be adjusted to meet the average

Chart type assumption:

The teacher understands layman charts-bar charts, pie charts

Time assumption:

The teacher is not time poor and has minimum of 5 to 10 minutes to analyze the visualization and get the desired conclusion about the marks of students in mathematics subject.


To understand which student has poor marks and need attention relative to the subject average.

Desired response:

Rapid interpretation.

Special attention on students having below average marks.

Appreciate students with good marks and ask them to help other students.


Students Subject A B C D E F G H

Mathematics 80 67 71 90 34 66 76 45


Name Description Type Range of values Derivation Intend

Subject Particular subject for which exam was conducted Categorical nominal 9 subjects Given data To know the corresponding subjects of scores given

Student Student whose scores are displayed Categorical nominal A to H Given data To know the student corresponding to

each mark

Score The marks scored in subjects Numerical Discrete 23 to 96 Given data Marks scored in percentage to calculate and provide conclusions.

Attention An indicator to express concern Categorical ordinal Less attention

Medium attention

High attention Compute by checking if the score is high, above average, or below average by assuming average of

subject to be 50%. To take the decision about a student on the attention required by the teacher.


The dataset used for analysis is a sample of 8 students [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H] across one subject [Mathematics] out of 9 subjects available in the raw data. The dataset is then sorted to obtain a visualization clearer and understand it quickly.

The data attributes shown in table are required to answer the questions for further information about how attributes were derived, please refer to table 1.

Attribute type

subject categorical

score Numerical

student categorical

Attention Categorical


Measure of dispersion range is calculated from the above dataset which contains mathematics as the subject and the corresponding marks for 8 students.

Range of the dataset is calculated by subtracting the maximum and the minimum marks obtained by the students to know the variation.

Range = 90 34 = 56 Range is found to be high. This arrives to the conclusion that there is a high variation between the students of same class.


The table gives small sample and small cohort

Results given in percentage and therefore original marks attained is unknown.



There are three attributes that is represented in the visualization that is, subject scores, students and attention required relative to average (taken as 50).

Subject and average are considered the primary attribute as one is categorical and other is numerical. The visualization used is a histogram. The bar chart is simple, highly familiar for the audience. The bars should be wider than the white space between the bars. As you add more series of data, it becomes more difficult to focus on one at a time (Knaflic, 2015). Therefore, only one series is used in the above visualization. Thus, it will reduce cognitive load on the user. Clutter has been reduced in the visualization. The gestalt principle of continuity and similarity is used in the visualization. Due to the alignment of the bottom of the bars and the consistent amount of white space enables user to understand the bars start from common position thereby avoiding the x axis and labels help removing axes and gridlines. The figure is ordered so that students who is in need of most attention is located in a position most likely to be noticed.

The visualization in figure gives idea about which students have scored well and which students have scored below average and needs more attention and practice. As teachers it was assumed that they know the layman charts and the normal looks of the chart for a high as well as low marks. Histogram is opted because of its simplicity and as it gives a rapid idea about the data.

According to the visualization student A, C, D, G have good marks above the average 50. And therefore, they need not be given much attention by the teacher while B and F needs some attention as they dont have a much better result. H and E needs more attention from the lecturer because they have a score below the average 50%. This is the conclusion that a person viewing this visualization can get.


Target Audience:

The target audience is the dean of science stream of an institution.

Intended meaning of visualization

This visualization is made for the deans to get information about the subjects in which students perform good and in which they are poor.

Assumptions required:

Data assumption:


The dean can understand or interpret statistical terms such as measures of central tendency mean, measure of dispersion- variance, standard deviation.

How normal or desired distribution of look like graphically

Chart type assumption:

The dean understands layman charts-bar charts.

Time assumption:

The dean is time poor to analyze the visualization and get the desired conclusion. He or she is usually very busy and has to arrive to a conclusion in a very short span of time.

To understand in which subjects the students perform awful and in which subject the student perform well relative to the subject average and the deviation from the subject means.

Desired response:

Rapid interpretation which is in line with the assumption.

Check whether the lecturer taking the subject is qualified and have a good ability to keep up the standard of the institution.

To arrange the hours of teaching according to performance of the students and difficulty of the subject.


Subject Average of


Database 76.25

Java 66.5

C++ 76.5

Physics 67.5

Mathematics 66.125

English 50

Chemistry 45.5

Networks 52.125

Security 54.5

Name Description Type Range of values Derivation Intend

Subject subject for which exam was conducted Categorical nominal 9 subjects Given data To know the corresponding subjects of scores given

Student Student whose scores are displayed Categorical nominal A to H Given data To know the student corresponding to

each mark

Subject average The average of marks scored in each subject Numerical Discrete 45.5 to 76.5 calculated Average marks calculated to find the subject in which students are strong and weak.

Attention An indicator to express concern Categorical ordinal Low attention

High attention Compute by checking if the average is high, low, or very low To take the decision about a teacher or the hours of teaching.

The dataset used for analysis is a sample of 9 subjects across one the averages of marks obtained by 8 students in that subject. The dataset is then ordered to obtain a visualization clearer and understand it quickly.


Here the limitations are very small sample size. The conclusions arrived by these small sample might not be true for a population.

Another limitation is that we dont have the data of teaching hours to draw a decision based on that. Therefore, we might not be able to specify if the reason for poor performance is due to inefficient teacher or less teaching hours or difficulty in the subjects.



Database Physics

Java Mathematics

Security Networks English












Database Physics

Java Mathematics

Security Networks English












In this visualization we have used horizontal bar chart. The visualization principles used here are like those used in the visualization. Here each subject is plotted against the averages of marks scored by the students in that subject. The color combinations are used to draw attention towards those subjects as soon as the user sees the chart because that is where the dean must make improvements. The other subjects have a good average score and therefore can neglected.

In figure chemistry and English has a low average score whereas network has an average score just above English and needs some more improvement. The dean can quickly go through the chart and get the desired response.


Target audience

The target audience is the first-year science students

Intended meaning of visualization

This visualization is made for students to know their marks in subjects.

Assumptions required:

Data assumption:

Pass mark for subject under study is 40%

High school student

The student can understand or interpret

statistical terms such as mean.

Percentage of marks

Chart type assumption:

The student understands layman charts-bar charts, pie charts.

Time assumption:

The student has lot of time to analyze the visualization


To know the percentage of marks he or she has attained and improve wherever necessary.

Desired response:

Work on subjects with low marks.

Give for revaluation if the student finds misinterpretation of marks.

To keep up the subjects in which the student has very good performance.


Subject Student D

Database 78

Java 83

C++ 68

Physics 72

Mathematics 90

English 48

Chemistry 23

Networks 23

Security 46

The dataset used for analysis is a sample of 9 subjects across one student[D] out of 8 students available in the raw data. The dataset is then sorted to obtain an ordered visualization which can easily comprehended.

Subject Student D

Database 78

Java 83

C++ 68

Physics 72

Mathematics 90

English 48

Chemistry 23

Networks 23

Security 46

Average 59

Name Description Type Range of values Derivation Intend

Subject Particular subject for which exam was conducted Categorical nominal 9 subjects Given data To know the corresponding subjects of scores given

Student Student whose scores are displayed Categorical nominal D Given data To know the student corresponding to

each mark

Score average The average of marks scored in each subject Numerical Discrete 59 Calculated Average marks calculated to find the subject in which students are strong and weak.

Attention An indicator to express concern Categorical ordinal Less attention

Medium attention

High attention Compute by checking if the average is high, low or very low To take the decision about a teacher or the hours of teaching.


Networks Chemistry





Java Database













Networks Chemistry





Java Database
















In this visualization we have used horizontal bar chart. The visualization principles used here are like those used in the previous visualization. Here each subject is plotted against the marks scored by the students in each subject.


(Munzner & Maguire, 2015) (Knaflic, 2015)

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 22nd, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 42

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