Provide a brief overview of the health issue, including the social distribution.
Why is this health issue a significant social problem?
Using the sociological imagination, analyse and describe the social origins of the health issue under investigation please apply the four parts of the sociological imagination template. Apply at least one of the major theoretical perspectives, covered in lectures 1-6, which might best explain the extent and pattern of the health issue sociologically.
Briefly describe the perspective(s), including the key concepts and focus of analysis. Use the perspective(s) to discuss what specific social phenomena likely causes the health issue. Outline the most significant limitations of your chosen perspective(s).
You may just prefer one of the perspectives, or you may find that combining perspectives provides a fuller picture of the how and/or why the health issue exists.
Using the social model of health, propose an effect social intervention to prevent and/or address the health issue under investigation. And note As part of this assessment, you will need to integrate relevant academic literature to support your discussion.
Please reference your assignment using APA7 guidelines. If you dont reference correctly this is known as plagiarism. Minimum of six different articles or academic sources required. There is no maximum number of references. The material must be peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals. Peer-reviewed articles are written by experts and reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the articles quality. (The article is more likely to be scientifically valid, reach reasonable conclusions, etc.). A good rule of thumb is to use materials published in the past 10 years, however, this will depend on the topic (e.g. when researching a sociological theory, the most relevant information may have been published 30 years ago this is OK!)medi