PUBH6005:Assessment of Critical Appraisal
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This assessment requires you to apply the knowledge and skills gained in all the modules to undertake a critical appraisal. You will need to appraise 3 articles on a topic and research question given to you by your facilitator.
To prepare for this assignment
- Search the library database to find three primary research articles with different study designs that the research question given by your facilitator. For instance, you could include case-control, cohort, and RCTs. These studies do not have to prove their hypothesis or agree with each other. Please note that marks will be deducted if all identified papers are of a similar study design.
- Please note that you must clearly give the title of the research papers that you will include for critical appraisal in this assessment.
- Briefly explain how you found the three articles for critical appraisal, including the databases you used and the search strategy/keywords you searched with. Also, mention which checklist you used to critically appraise three different study design articles.
- Critically appraise all three articles you found. Your answers are to be written in the tables provided to you which were based on the CASP checklist and other types of checklists. You must go through the HINTS to every question in the CASP and another relevant checklist before writing your answers in the template.
- In the tables provided in the template, you are required to answer either Yes, No, or Unclear.
- For each of the answers of Yes, No, or Unclear, you will need to provide the Evidence that you found in the article to support your answers.
- For each of the Evidence, you will need to critically appraise state your justification, compare and contrast or/and provide solutions.
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