diff_months: 3

Student Name Student ID Tutors Name Tutorial Time This assignment is an application-based assignment that is designed to test your understanding of

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Added on: 2024-11-13 18:00:16
Order Code: SA Student Alan Management Assignment(3_24_40870_655)
Question Task Id: 503667


Student Name Student ID Tutors Name Tutorial Time This assignment is an application-based assignment that is designed to test your understanding of environmental analysis and marketing segmentation. Please refer to the marking rubrics for more information on how you will be marked.

The excessive use of artificial intelligence platforms to prepare this assessment will not be permitted. Any use of artificial intelligence and other sources must be adequately referenced.

Assessment scenario

You must answer all the questions of this assessment based on a selected AUSTRALIAN CHARITY (fundraising) EVENT which will take place in 2024.

You may use the following links to search for events that may be used in this Assessment (these links are just to provide you with some ideas, the selected event does not need to be listed in these links. If you are in doubt if an event is suitable, please consult with your tutor).

HYPERLINK "https://charitydos.com.au/events/WA"https://charitydos.com.au/events/WA

Some of these organisations will be hosting fundraising events throughout the year.

https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charitiesPart 1- Charity / NGO Selection

What is your selected charity/fundraising event?

EXAMPLE (Students cannot use the same initiative)

Selected fundraising event: 2024 Telethon WA

Does this organisation address any of the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development goals (SDGs)? Justify.(max 200 words)(10 marks)

UN SDGs: hhttps://sdgs.un.org/goalsPART 2- Application questions. You will address this part based on your PART 1 selection.

Conduct a SWOT analysis of the selected organsiation using Table 1. (40 marks)

You may utilize a maximum of two pages in Times New Roman size 12pt (Margin 1.27 Top/bottom/right/left). 1.0 Line spacing

Please refer to the marking rubrics for more information

Information in RED may be deleted from your submissionTable 1- SWOT analysis

1. Strengths (select the 3 main strengths) 10 marks Consequences to your selected event Suggestions (how this ORGANISATION may take advantage of these strengths in its marketing efforts?)

1) 2) 3) Weaknesses (select the 3 main weaknesses) 10 marks Consequences to your selected event Suggestions (how this ORGANISATION may minimise the consequences of these weaknesses?)

1) 2) 3) Opportunities (select the 3 main opportunities) 10 Marks Consequences to your selected event Suggestions (how this ORGANISATION may take advantage of these opportunities in the selected event?)

1) 2) 3) Threats (select the 3 main threats)10marksConsequences to your selected event Suggestions (how this ORGANISATION may minimise the implications of these threats in its marketing efforts of the selected event?)

1) 2) 3) Conduct a Segmentation Analysis of your selected event by completing Table 2 and addressing the issues listed below. (20 marks)

Provide an explicit profile of the primary target market by examining the specific characteristics in each of the broad segmentation variables (geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral) that are relevant to your selected event when raising financial donations to the related cause

Explain HOW the characteristics you used to describe the primary target market is relevant to the selected event

You may utilize a maximum of two pages Times New Roman size 12pt (Margin 1.27 Top/bottom/right/left)

Please refer to the marking rubrics for more information

Table- information in red may be deleted.

Table 2- Segmentation Analysis

Segmentation characteristics - they must be all related to the same market segment / primary target market Rationale - How is the selected characteristic relevant to the selected event?

Geographic Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation Behavioural Segmentation Based on the SWOT (question 3) and segmentation (question 4) analyses you conducted, provide three recommendations of important aspects that should be considered in any of the 4ps of the selected event.

You must explicitly link the recommendations to a particular SWOT element and how the recommendations relate to your identified segment. (30 Marks)

Recommendation 1 (200 words)

How does it relate to your SWOT analysis? How does it relate to the target market? How is this recommendation related to any of the 4ps? Provide details of the provided recommendation.

Recommendation 2 (200 words)

How does it relate to your SWOT analysis? How does it relate to the target market? How is this recommendation related to any of the 4ps? Provide details of the provided recommendation.

Recommendation 3 (200 words)

How does it relate to your SWOT analysis? How does it relate to the target market? How is this recommendation related to any of the 4ps? Provide details of the provided recommendation.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 26

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