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Order Code: SA Student Antony Engineering Assignment(3_24_40859_644)
Question Task Id: 503652



Task Number 2 of 4 Task Name Project 1

National unit/s code CPCCBC4010

CPCCBC5018 National unit/s title Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructionApply structural principles to the construction of buildings up to three storeys

National qualification code CPC50220 National qualification title Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)

RMIT Program code C4515 RMIT Course codes BUIL6445C


Section A Assessment Information

Assessment duration and/or due date

Students will have the time as shown on CANVAS to complete the task. This assessment has 3 parts and is to be completed between weeks 1 and 34 of commencing this unit. The exact dates are made available through CANVAS.

Refer to Canvas.

Task instructions

Summary and Purpose of Assessment

This covers all questions provided here in 3 Parts that must be completed by students to demonstrate their ability to plan, coordinate and manage the laying of footings and floor system, the building of wall systems, roof system and the external wall cladding of structure. Students also demonstrate their understanding of the structural principles when planning the erection of a structure and analyse and plan for the structural integrity of

Residential - Class 1 and 10 buildings, maximum two storeys

Commercial - Class 2 to 9, Type C constructions only.

Assessment Instructions

Student must demonstrate an understanding of:

Apply structural principles when planning the erection of a structure.

Analyse and plan for the structural integrity of Class1 and Class 10 buildings

Analyse and plan for the structural integrity of Type C Class2 to Class 9 buildings

Plan the laying of footings.

Plan the laying of floor system.

Plan the building of structural and non-structural wall systems.

Plan the building of roof system.

Plan the external wall cladding of structure.

Where and How

There are 3 Parts in this assessment. You are required to answer multiple questions in each part..You will have one attempt to complete each question.

This task will be undertaken in a computer lab on campus or at home using your own equipment in CANVAS.

Conditions for assessment

This is an individual assessment and must be submitted online through CANVAS.

This task will be undertaken by the students online in a computer lab or on their own equipment.

The assessor can negotiate a suitable time and location for assessment at least one week prior to the assessment taking place.

Student must complete the task within the maximum allowed duration as directed by the assessor.

Student can make arrangements with the assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if they require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task.

Students found in breach of assessment conditions can be charged with academic misconduct, have their results cancelled, be excluded from the program and receive other penalties. Penalties can also apply if a students test material is copied by others.

Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is ones own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.

RMIT special consideration is to enable you to maintain your academic progress despite adverse circumstances. The process for special consideration can be found at http://www1.rmit.edu.au/students/specialconsiderationStudents with a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition can apply for adjustments to their study and assessment conditions (Reasonable Adjustments and Equitable Assessment Arrangements) by registering with the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) at https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and- facilities/student-support/equitable- learning-services. If you already registered with ELS and your study plan is approved, please inform your teacher if this assessment task is not adjusted in line with approved study plan.

Student will be assessed as satisfactory (S) or not yet satisfactory (NYS).

A student must submit that assessment by the due date and time. Failure to do so will result in a DNS (Did not Submit) result. A DNS can only be overturned by Special Consideration. A student is not entitled to additional attempts if issued a DNS.

Student can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment ProcessesAdditional Instructions:

Attempt all the questions in the assessment.

Performance requirement for all questions:

Satisfactory (S) performance complete all questions correctly.

Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) performance unable to complete all questions correctly.

Students need to achieve satisfactory (S) result for all questions here to gain a satisfactory (S) in this Assessment.

Student needs to achieve satisfactory (S) results in all 5 assessments to be deemed Competent (CA).

Useful Links

Please use links below to access important information on assessments:

Assessment submission and appeals - AssessmentsExtensions and special considerations - Extensions and special consideration

Equitable Assessment Arrangement (EAA) - Equitable Assessment ArrangementsInformation on recording and retaining assessments and dealing with assessment appeals can be found in the

RMIT Assessment Processes documentInstructions on Submitting your Assessment

This is an individual assessment and must be submitted online through CANVAS (unless otherwise instructed by the teacher).

For your assessment task in Canvas > Assignments > Assessment Task Two.

Please submit a single file only, preferably in either Word or PDF format If your submission contains files of multiple formats, then submit them all in a single zip file. Whatever file you submit, name the file as follows: your surname, your student number, unit national codes and task number:

Example: Roberts_s123456_CPCPIG2021_Task 2.

Equipment/resources students must supply (if applicable): Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace (if applicable):



Laptop/PC with internet access (if assessment tasks are completed at home)


RMIT internet access

RMIT Computer Labs and Learning


Section B Marking Guide - Part 1


In this Part 1 of the Project which has 5 sections, with the following main tasks:

Calculation of load transfer and pressure calculation in residential building (bungalow) footing.

Calculate the total load transferred through slab, beam and column to each of footings A and B and the pressure exerted onto the foundation material beneath.

Complete Stiffened Raft drawings and details for Eastwood house beam stiffened raft layout, sectional detail of slab and other relevant construction details. Explain vapour barrier requirements Material, thickness and lapping.

Complete Waffle Raft drawings and details for Eastwood house beam, Waffle raft layout, sectional detail of slab and other relevant construction details.

Share a written works statement listing the key compliance criteria and construction requirements from Question 4 & 5 with four or more of your peers (from different cultural backgrounds) as if they were employees in the workplace that you manage and provide direction to. Note down all the questions and clarifications asked regarding the points in the works statement. Then, update all feedback on the language and concepts used in the report to make it more understandable and appropriate for your employees from different cultural backgrounds e.g.

English speaking background

Non-English-speaking background

Criteria for Project 1 Part 1

Note: All requirements for each criterion (1-5) for each section must be completed correctly to be considered satisfactory. Satisfactory Comment

Y N 1 In this exercise, students are finding out the structural integrity of the slab and footings specified in building plan.

Calculation of load transfer and pressure calculation in residential building (bungalow) footing. Students should have correct force calculations, correct pressure calculations in details. and show their understanding in the main structural principles.

Students should identify a pier and beam method to transfer the load to a lower founding level where the soil has a higher bearing capacity if cost is not an issue.

Alternatively, use of a waffle pad instead of a raft slab to reduce the load on the soil and cost of the slab.

Similarly, the floor could use a simple strip footing (perimeter beam) instead, if it was changed to a timber bearer and joist floor.

Students need to show an understanding of upward shear forces exerted by soils on footings and bending moments that result, to demonstrate an understanding of structural principles that a footing is subjected to by the soil

2 Calculate the total load transferred through slab, beam, column to each of footings A and B and the pressure exerted onto the foundation material (footings) beneath.

Students should have correctly calculated the total dead and live load forces transferred through each of footings A and B & the pressure exerted to the foundation.

They should demonstrate clear understanding in load transferred through slab, beam, column to the footings.

3 Complete Stiffened Raft drawings and details for Eastwood house stiffened raft slab layout, sectional detail of slab and other relevant construction details on a fill site.

The student is to determine the cut and fill requirement across the site and demonstrate the compaction requirements of the spoil for it to be suitable to be used as fill including the need for it to undergo compaction explaining how this is done.

The student should correctly draw the Edge & internal beams of the Eastwood house including a Plan & Sectional detail of the slab with all construction requirements as well as the reinforcement, damp proof membrane and termite proofing.

Explanation of damp proof membrane and reinforcement requirements material types, thickness and lapping in accordance with codes, standards, industry practice and relevant construction method. Similarly, termite proofing requirements would also be provided hereExplanation of the application of new footing technologies in the form of screw piles in relation to both cohesive and non-cohesive soils and benefits over old technologies like H-Piles.

Student need to show their detail understanding in stiffened raft slab and vapour permeable sarking.

4 Complete Waffle Raft slab drawings and details for Eastwood house layout, sectional detail of slab and other relevant construction details on a natural ground site.

The student should correctly draw the Edge & internal beams and location of the waffle pods of the Eastwood house including a Plan & Sectional detail of the slab with all construction requirements as well as the reinforcement, damp proof membrane and termite proofing.

Students need to show their detail knowledge in waffle raft slab.

5 Feedback on the language and concepts used in a written works compliance statement and the revisions required to make it understandable/appropriate to employees with different cultural backgrounds e.g.

English speaking background

Non-English-speaking background

Students need to demonstrate their written and oral communication skills

Project 1 Part 1 Detail Instructions

Questions and Tasks for Part 1 Q 1 (a-f)P1-Q1) Calculate the bungalow force and pressure on the footings:

Students are required to calculate the force created by both the live and dead loads on the concrete ground beams of the bungalow in this case study and the pressure that is exerted onto the buildings founding material and the pressure exerted by the founding material on the concrete ground beams. Question given in a-c (steps as below).

Note: E-W Site Slope 1 in 10


Calculate the dead load

Consider Newtons second law:F = m x a

Force = mass x acceleration

Where: a = 10 m/s (acceleration due to gravity)

And m equals the following:

Mass of all building materials in bungalow:

Reinforced concrete 15.26m3 x 2400kg/m = 36,624kg

Windows and door 19m2 x 10kg/m = 197kg

Timber framing 345m x 1.6 kg/m = 552kg

Bricks including mortar 4kg/No. x 4392No. = 17,568kg

Plasterboard 156.8m2 x 7.2kg/m2 = 1,129kg

Roof trusses (say 21 No.& 42kg/No.) = 882kg

Roof battens 127m x1.6kg/m = 204kg

Roof sheet 101m2 x 5kg/m2 = 506kg

Use the formula above, convert mass kg to force kN

Answer a): The force (kN) from the bungalow dead load =

b) Calculate the live load

Using table 3.1 in AS1170 for Residential Buildings

Show working out calculations and measurement units so answer is in same measurement units as previous question, based on the kN/m2 for this type of buildingAnswer b): The force from the bungalow live loads =

Thus, total force F (kN) from dead & live load = (to use in formula below)

c) Calculate the pressure this force creates on the foundation material

Using p=FAWhere: p is the pressure, Fis thetotal force exerted by dead loads and live loads & Ais the area at the base of the concrete beams

Using the total F found in a) now you just need to find A before you can find pAssume the slab does not transfer any load directly to the soil and all load transfer is through the contact area at the base of the footings (concrete intermediate and edge beams) only.

Thus, total contact area A (m2) = (to use in formula above)

Show working out calculations and measurement units to explain the conversion to Kpa (using the formula given above) including working out calculation and measurement units

Answer c) The pressure (in KPa) exerted on the foundation material is

d) The designer now needs to know the soil classification based on the stiffened raft type of footing shown in the drawings above. Assuming that the bottom layer of reinforcement is specified as 3 No. N16 bars plus other details provided in that drawing, extrapolate and interpolate from the soil classification given in the relevant footing tables provided in AS2870-2011. Provide extracts of the tables indicating how you arrived at your answer.

Answer d) The soil classification is

e) If the maximum pressure that the founding material of the bungalow site can hold is lower than the pressure exerted by the dead load plus live load of the bungalow, explain 2 ways or construction methods that could be used to resolve this problem.

Assume the following:

Minimising the Cost of the job is important for the client

Assume site is still a flat site.

The plan area of the bungalow cannot be changed.

The bungalow specifications above the floor level cannot be changed

And include reasoning and calculations to support each of your construction methods.


Answer e) Construction Method 1




Answer e) Construction Method 2



f) Assuming that a 600mm strip footing (timber bearer and joist subfloor) was used instead of a stiffened raft slab due to a 1 in 10 East-West sloping site (refer to contours on the bungalow plan) and still assuming the same upward soil pressure is exerted by the founding material onto the footings of the bungalow, then:

(1) Draw a sketch showing the steps in the beams and the shear forces (using arrows) at sides of each window opening on the long wall and the bending profile (hogging and sagging) of the strip footing under that wall for its whole length

(2) Calculate at the upward bending moment (BM) of the strip footing at the centre of each window opening (2400 wide/1800 wide/ 1200 wide) assuming no soft spots under the strip footing so that the load is uniformly distributed

(3) What is the expected soil classification and type of wall construction required based on the bearing capacity and the size of the strip footing (as per AS2870-2011 tables). Provide extracts of the tables indicating how you arrived at your answer(4) Explain why (as seen in the AS2870.1 tables) sizes are deeper for cohesive soils compared to non-cohesive soils, in terms of the structural action of the soil used to make this possible given that the bearing capacity is reduced in cohesive soils compared to non-cohesive soils.

(5) The alternative to deep strip footing is a pier & beam (suspended strip footing)

Explain why this method is considered more economical at depths of strip footing greater than 1200mm and provide a sketch to explain this.

Where D is 300-450 for sands and 450-600 for clays with L typical of 1.8 - 2.4

Questions and Tasks for Part 1 Q 2 (a-f)

P1-Q2) Calculate Load Transfers for a Concrete loading dock of a Warehouse.

Students are required to calculate the total dead and live load forces transferred through each of footings A and B and the pressure exerted onto the foundation material beneath.

Structure consists of:

100mm Reinforced concrete slab @ 2400kg/m

240x90mm precast reinforced concrete beams @ 2400kg/m

90x90x5mm Square Hollow section steel column @ 12.5kg/m (includes a 200x200 baseplate)

Maximum bearing pressure at foundation 300 kpa 600x450-500mm concrete pedestal footings @ 2400kg/m (20Mpa strength)

Q2a. Use the table provided below to calculate the total dead and live load forces transferred to footings A and B and the resultant pressure exerted to the foundation/Subsoil beneath them.

Footing A

Member Size Weight Total

Concrete slab

Concrete beam

Column: Square hollow section Concrete pedestal footing Total Mass Convert the dead load (mass) to ForceDead load Force: Live load

For a Warehouse loading Dock as per AS1170

Live load Force: Total Force

Calculate pressure on the foundation materialpressure=forceareaFooting B

Member Size Weight Total

Concrete slab

Concrete beam

Column: Square hollow section Concrete pedestal footing Total Weight Convert the dead load (mass) to ForcekN=masskgx 10 m/s1000Dead load Force: Live load

For a Warehouse loading Dock as per AS1170

Live load Force: Total Force

Calculate pressure on the foundation material

pressure=forceareab. Assume the maximum pressure that the foundation soil of the concrete deck above requires a 50% safety factor for the loads calculated for Footings A & B. Calculate a suitable size of the pedestal footing to resolve this problem.


c. Now assume the safety factor as above but that the client wants to save money and wishes to go to a reinforced concrete Pad footing 250mm deep (instead of the 600mm deep pedestal)

for Footings, A & B now 700mm x 700mm on plan.

Then, assuming the shear and tensile strength is provided by the reinforcement, estimate using the design charts provided to either find the size of bar reinforcement diameter or mesh

required for this, based on 50mm cover (wherever required) and 25Mpa Concrete.

d. With a sketch and calculation, show that the pad footing above is in contact with the

foundation material over its entire base area using the pad overturning formula e=M/N, where

e<L/6. Next, sketch the tributary area contributing to this overturning and how the bar reinforcement for the pad would be designed if the outstands could be reduced - explain the

concept of development length that makes this possible

Tributary Area Shaded and Direction of Over-turning Shown below

e. What are the names given for the 2 different types of shear applicable to the above pad footings and show this with a plan and section sketch and explain how:

(1) each type of shear (crack) is caused

(2) why this is less of an issue with a pedestal footing than it is for a pad footing

The pedestal is not affected by punching as the 45 degree shear line created by punching cuts off at the top of the pedestal and does not go all the way down as it does with the Pad because it is a shallower type of footing. See Sketches below to explain

f. If loads and calculations above are done in accordance with the Australian Standards then it

meets the performance requirements of the NCC as deemed to satisfy, explain this statement.

Questions and Tasks for Part 1 Q3 (a-g)

P1-Q3) Scenario: You are a Construction Manager needing to check compliance for the Eastwood house job and providing explanation and reasoning to you team regarding all relevant points under building codes and the construction principles to be considered in preparation works prior to concrete pour:

Students are required to complete the following Stiffened Raft drawings and details answering all related questions listed below as:

a. Eastwood house beam stiffened raft layout

b. Sectional detail of above slab,

c. Determine additional construction details,

d. Alpine Area construction considerations

e. Footings in controlled and uncontrolled fill

The construction type is articulated masonry veneer, and the site is classified M-D the slab is on controlled fill taken from the excavation of the site (refer to section 3, 5 & 6 of AS2870-2011)

The design is as provided on CANVAS titled Eastwood house and relevant other Australian standards such as Termite Proofing AS3660

a. Determine the maximum height and compaction requirements of fill to be retained and draw a stiffened raft slab layout plan (on the template provided below) showing the heights, position and width of edge rebate as well as the internal beams. Include all reinforcement including at re-entrant corners as per AS2870-2011 and other requirements (Scale 1:100 A4 Size).

b. Draw a sectional detail (on the template provided below) through the footing (labelled as section A-A) that shows minimum footing depth, minimum slab depth. Include the dimension and all reinforcement type and other details required on the drawing including termite proofing for a pipe penetration through the slab and edge beam. You are also to show the brickwork and timber wall frame to a height of at least 200mm above the top of the slab. (Scale 1:20)

Drawing of a Stiffened Raft Slab Sectional Detail:

c. Determine and provide as notes on the drawing of all other additional construction requirements from the relevant Australian standards such as AS2870-2011, AS3600-2009, AS 1379-2007 & AS AS3660.1- 2000 to explain the following:

concrete type, strength, aggregate, slump and method of curing in relation to the requirements for the Eastwood house stiffened raft slab.

reinforcement type, cover, laps and splices, tie-bars, starter bars, bar chairs required for the Eastwood house stiffened raft slab

vapour barrier location, material, thickness and lapping requirements for the Eastwood house stiffened raft slab

termite protection treatment methods for the Eastwood house stiffened raft slab.

d. Explain what is meant by snow load and what is the value of this additional load in KN/m2 that a house would have to be designed for if it was built in Mt Hotham, Victoria. Show your working out (calculations) as to how you would calculate the thickness of the snow using this value and a figure of 900kg/m3 (assuming snow is dense and wet)

e. What are the 2 main roof design considerations that you would consider in order to reduce the snow load given above. Explain why these are important considerations to the calculation of snow loads

f. Explain the choice of new technologies like a Screw pile over conventional H-section (both driven piles) and what these advantages are if used to support a stiffened raft in fill and if the piles protrude out of the ground to form supports for a suspended ground floor in a bushfire zone.

g. From AS2870 and the external brick veneer walls design of Eastwood House, at what depth of fill would a Geotechnical Engineer most likely recommend driven piling instead of deep edge beam and why. If this house was located in an Earthquake Area what type of piles would be specified and why.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions and Tasks for Part 1 Q 4 (a and b)

P1-Q4) Scenario: You are a Construction Manager needing to adapt the Eastwood house design to another site (flat site on natural ground no fill). Again, you need to check compliance and provide explanation and reasoning to you team regarding all relevant points under building codes and the construction principles to be considered in preparation works prior to concrete pour.

In this situation you will adopt the Waffle Slab construction method. The construction type is again an articulated masonry veneer and the site is classified M-D. The design is again the one as provided on CANVASStudents are required to complete the following Waffle Raft drawings and details and draft a work instruction related these works:

a. A waffle raft slab layout plan (on the template provided below) showing the position and widths of edge rebate as well as the edge and internal beams labelling the waffle pods with numbers. Include all reinforcement required including at re-entrant corners as per AS2870-2011. (Scale 1:100 A4 Size).

b. A sectional detail (on the template provided below) through the footing (labelled as section A-A) of the waffle raft slab showing minimum footing depth, minimum slab depth.

Include all reinforcement details and the dimension of the pods including the correct number of pods consistent with your plan drawing. You are to show the brickwork and timber wall frame to a height of at least 200mm above the top of the slab. (Scale 1:20)

c. Note down the clarifications asked from you and your peers stemming from language

concepts used in a work instruction. Revise (re-write) the work instruction so that it is appropriate and easy to understand by people from different cultural backgrounds e.g. non-English speaking backgroundsAnswer:


Section B Marking Guide - Part 2


In this Part 2 of the Project which has 7 sections, with the following main tasks:

Sub floor layout exercise for stumps, bearers, joists and flooring for the Eastwood House

Exercise for determining wall bracing requirements for Eastwood house elevations A and B.

Determine Eastwood house timber wall frame component section sizes form tables using span tables to calculate the timber Lintels and jamb studs for the Eastwood house.

Using first principles mathematical formulae and structural concepts calculate the timber component size for a common stud and a steel angle LintelDraw a complete truss layout for Eastwood House

Demonstrate knowledge of different types of Roof Truss configurations and their applications and limitations to a residential building and how to do stability calculations for a truss of any configurationDraw and label components for a hand-cut roof standard duo-pitched roof used in residential constructionCriteria for Project 1 Part 2

Note: All requirements for each criterion (1-7) for each section must be completed correctly to be considered satisfactory. Satisfactory Comment

Y N 1 In this exercise, student will demonstrate their understanding on applying the main structural principles to the erection of residential building.

Complete Sub floor layout exercise (laying floor system of stumps & bearers) for the Eastwood house to demonstrate the structural performance and structural integrity of bearers and joists. In calculation, consider the technical principles and performance of materials.

Demonstrate knowledge of flooring materials.

Student should have the correct Sub floor layout calculations and the drawings should match the calculations.

2 Determine wall bracing requirements for Eastwood house elevations A and B. While calculating, consider application of bracing requirements, tie-downs, tolerances, allowances, and fixing and installation of components.

The student should correctly determine wall bracing requirements for Eastwood house elevations B and determine additional construction details.

3 Determine Eastwood house (class 1 building) timber wall frame component section sizes from tablesUsing the span tables, calculate the Lintels and jamb studs for the Eastwood house using F17 KDHW for lintels and Mgp10 for jamb studs.

The student should correctly determine the minimum sectional size requirements for the wall frame (loadbearing and non-loadbearing) components of the Eastwood design.

Ensure Structural timber members are selected for low rise buildings to conform to AS1684 requirements.

Design considerations for design of non-loadbearing timber walls

4 Determine Eastwood house (class 1 building) timber wall frame component section sizes from first principles of structural designThe student has correctly calculated the loads and applied the correct structural formulas for sizing a wall stud and a lintel for the loads based on the Eastwood design.

Ensure Structural integrity and support of roof system components specified in building's plan is assessed for compliance with relevant codes to overcome AS1684 limitations of not providing tables for 3 storey buildings

5 The student should correctly draw the complete truss lay out for the Eastwood house and include all the bracing details with notations.

Ensure structural members are selected for low rise buildings to conform to AS1684 & AS1444 (and truss manufacturers requirements)

6 The student should demonstrate knowledge of different types of trusses and their applications and apply fundamental truss structural principles to check if they are statically determinate of not.

7 The student is required to draw and label all the members of a hand-cut coupled roof (duo pitch & propped roof) and list the compliance requirements

Part 2 Detailed Instructions

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q 1 (A & B)

P2-Q1) Sub floor layout flooring, stumps, bearers and joists.

As a construction supervisor for a domestic building company you are responsible for overseeing the construction of a timber sub floor for a brick veneer dwelling.

The drawing on the following page shows the outline of the proposed dwelling including the skin of brick work to outer walls. You need to ensure that the completed building is compliant with relevant codes and accepted industry construction principles. In preparation for the construction you will need to know the compliance requirements.

A) Refer to AS1684.2 2.13 and 2.10 and AS1684.2 Supplementary span tables and fill in the

specification in the given table below based on the following information:

Roof System: Truss

Roof pitch: 23.75

Roof cladding: Cement tiles

Stumps: 100 x 100 RC founded 600mm below NGL with 350 dia x 200 concrete pads.

Floor joist: 90 x 35 F17 hardwood @ 450mm ctc

Bearers supporting floor loads only: 2/90 x 35 F17 hardwoodBearers supporting load bearing walls: 2/90 x 35 F17 hardwoodBearer support: Engaged brick piers to be single brick around external brickwork.

Flooring: 19mm T&G Particleboard Platform & Tasmanian Oak Fitted floorboards (Lounge)


Floor joist: What is the maximum allowable span: Fitted Floor What is minimum projection of joist under walls needed for bearing area of particleboard sheet Bearers supporting floor loads only: What is the maximum allowable span: Calculate and record the FLW: Bearers supporting load bearing walls: What is the maximum allowable span: Calculate and record the RLW: Calculate and record the FLW: Required calculations/workings:

B) to the plan on the following page and using AS1684.2 Residential Timber framed

construction, you are required to determine the maximum span of floor members and then

set out the following:

1. Engaged brick piers

2. Stumps (show stumps with an X)

3. Bearers: (show with red ink) ________________

4. Floor joists. (Show with Orange ink) ______________

5. Fitted Floor & Platform Floor Spans based on Subfloor Framing (dashed line)

Note - Show the bearers and floor joists on drawing as single solid line each and a dashed line

for sheet flooring (based on economical sizing of standard sheets). Also show the spacing of

the stumps and engaged piers and area and location of floorboards.

Use a scale of 1 to 100

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q 2 (steps a g)

P2-Q2) Using the Eastwood house plans students are required to calculate the bracing requirement for highest wind in directions A and B.

Step a: Wind classificationAssume N2

Step b: Wind pressure

Step c:Area of elevation Direction A

Step d: Calculate racking force

Step e:Design temporary bracing system

Step f: Distribution & spacing

Step g: Connection of bracing se

Step c:Area of elevation Direction B

Step d: Calculate racking force

Step e:Design temporary bracing system

: Design permanent bracing/cladding system type K (1m wide next to front door)

Step f: Distribution & Spacing


Step g: Connection of bracing

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q3 (a b)

P2-Q3) Using the Eastwood house plans available on CANVAS and the AS1684.2 supplementary span tables, Determine the minimum section and size requirements for the wall frame components using F17 KDHW lintels, MGP10 pine top and bottom plates, common studs and jamb studs.

a) for timber external load bearing wall frame from tables based on the following information

Wind classification N2Trussed roof system Truss spacing 600mm

Tiled roof23.75 roof slope O/A Wall width 100mm

Stud spacing 600mm Studs not notchedComponent Section size (D XB)

Top and ribbon plates Bottom plate Common stud (External walls) Window Lintel section size (D XB) Jamb stud section size (D XB)

Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bathroom Laundry Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Kitchen Dining Lounge b) Eastwood house internal non load bearing timber wall frame components

Section sizes are not given in the tables, so explain the engineering concept of serviceability loads that would be used to decide component sizes and fixings for an internal partition wall.

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q4 (a b)

a) Eastwood house timber external load bearing wall frame section sizes from first principles

Using the Eastwood house plans available on CANVAS, and mathematic formulae and structural concepts, Calculate the minimum section size of timber jamb studs (MGP10) in a wall with studs at 600 spacing for a 2400 high wall, for the lintel with the largest span. (Show all calculations)

b) Detached Double Garage in single brick with attached piers - Steel Lintel from first principles

The student is required to size a steel angle for the brickwork above the Roller-door 4.8m which carries a 1.5m high triangular gable end roof panel of double skin brickwork. This wall is 6m wide and the depth of the garage is 4m and it has door and window openings in the rear 6m wide wall.

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q5 (a-b)

a) Truss layout & Installation of bracing and tie downs.

Students are required to complete a roof truss layout for the Eastwood house on the plan below. Refer to installation guides for Roof trusses provided on CANVAS resources as a guide and complete the roof truss members including details and text.

b) Bracing and Tie Downs

Students are required to refer to AS4440 and complete missing truss bracing details including all necessary notations is the space provided below Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q 6 (a-b)

a) Truss Types including Applications & Limitations

Students are required to provide a line sketch of the each of the following types of trusses, labelling the members and giving a brief explanation of the economical spans and other specific details that are used for the selection criteria for that type of truss.

1. Type A Truss

Typically used for 6-9 metre spans


2. Type B Truss

Typically used for 9-12 metre spans


3. Attic Truss

Spans to suit application---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) Stability of a Truss System

Show your calculations for each of the above trusses to calculate if they are statically determinate or not and explain what this term means (with reference to the structural principles of a truss)

Questions and Tasks for Part 2 Q7

Hand Cut Pitched Roof

The student is required to draw a hand-cut pitch and propped roof (coupled roof /duo-pitch roof) and its components as found in AS1684 (and the resources provided on CANVAS) and list the relevant clauses, tables and details to support compliance for each roof / ceiling member (in the spaces provided below).

Rafters------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Under-Purlins---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Props/Struts-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Collar Tie---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Battens-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ridge Board-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ceiling Joists-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hanging Beams----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Strutting Beams---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Section B Marking Guide - Part 3


In part 3 of the project which has 3 sections, with the following main tasks:

Draw a roof batten layout, tie down and fixing exercise for the Eastwood House and provide basic calculations for upliftComplete roof cladding drawing details. Ridge capping, Roof tile fastening, Parapet flashing, Bedded & pointed Valley, Service Pipe Penetration and draw a Skylight detail showing similar details.

Complete brick veneer cladding, wall base , eaves & window sill sketch's neatly showing damp proofing and flashing methods - labelling all parts.

Criteria for Part 3

Note: All requirements for each criterion (1-3) for each section must be completed correctly to be considered satisfactory. Satisfactory Comment

Y N 1 Draw a roof batten layout, tie down and fixing exercise for the Eastwood House and the detached garage given in Question 4 part 2Students should show correct roof batten calculations and meet the requirements set out in the assessment task. They should ensure drawings and notation are to a satisfactory professional standard.

2 Complete roof cladding drawing details showing, Ridge capping, Sisalation, Roof tile fastening, Service Pipe penetration and flashing, Bedded & pointed Valleys and skylight installation with flashing

Students should ensure roof cladding details have been completed correctly and meet the requirements set out in the assessment task. . They should ensure that drawings and notation are to a satisfactory professional standard.

3 Complete brick veneer wall base, eaves & window sill sketch's neatly showing the damp proofing flashing method and labelling all parts.

While completing this exercise, a check must also be done of a typical window for compliance with relevant codes and accepted industry construction principles.

Students should ensure that brick veneer cladding questions and details have been completed correctly and meet the requirements set out in the assessment task. They should ensure drawings and notations are to a satisfactory professional standard.

Overall result for Part 3 (All 3 Sections)

Part 3 Detailed Instructions

Questions and Tasks for Part 3 Q 1P3-Q1) Roof batten size, layout tie down/ fixing and uplift forces:

a) Students are required to determine the roof Batten requirements for the Eastwood house according to the given specifications and draw the position of all required roof battens on the plan and section below.

Timber Framing Manual Supplementary span tables 35x35 F17 @ 900 centresBetter option MGP 10 35 x 70 mm span 600 mm.


Wind classification N2

Roof battens F17 Seasoned Hardwood or use MGP 10 35 x 70 mm Roof Pitch 23.75

Roof trusses MGP 10 Pine @ 600mm spacing 450mm eaves

Roof Cladding Custom Orb 0.42mm thick

b) Calculate the Nett uplift force on the roof battens at the eaves:

c) Calculate the Nett uplift force on the roof frame for the Garage in part 2 at 4b:

d) List out below the specifications for fixing & tie down requirements for the custom

Orb roofing to roof battens, the roof battens to trusses and roof trusses to top plate.

Custom orb roofing to roof battens Roof battens to trusses Roof trusses top plate

















291465095250Section X X Scale 1:50

00Section X X Scale 1:50

Questions and Tasks for Part 3 Q2 (a-d)

P3-Q2) Roof Cladding

Complete roof cladding details for the following by completing the sketch neatly and labelling the missing components:

a) show the ridge capping and the method of securing it and the missing components like the sarking (RFL) and a typical vertical riser stack and flashing detail

Ridge Capping.

b) Complete the missing roof tile fastening detail and list the type (materials) of the tiles that you would you expect to have these fastening for and the standard fastening requirements

c) show the valley construction detail capping and the method of securing it and the missing components like the sarking (RFL) and flashing detail/valley bedding etc.


d) draw a typical roof window/skylight detail with cover /apron & check flashings at head/sill

Questions and Tasks for Part 3 Q 3 (a-h)

3) Wall Cladding

Complete wall cladding details for the following by completing the sketches and label the missing components:

a). Complete brick veneer wall, showing eaves detail, window sill and head with all flashings & damp proofing and wall ties as required

Eaves to Wall Junction Detail

b). Provide a sketch of a section through the window jamb/stiles to show the flashing detail required assuming this window is installed into the brick veneer wall above.

c). Label all parts on the above 1800 x 2100 timber window and specify the minimum glass thickness assuming it is to be installed into the Eastwood House and provide the BCA referenced). Answer the following questions to demonstrate your knowledge of masonry / claddingComplete the following questions and sketches.

Name the parts of the brick in the drawing below


B: HEADER C:STRETCHER What is the size of a standard brick? What is the standard thickness and mix ratio of cement mortar? What are the two most common materials bricks are made from? What is a header course and stretcher course? What is difference between Flemish and Stretcher bond? What is the difference between a perpend and a bed joint? What are the materials that make cement mortar and what is the standard ratio of the 3 materials used? e) Explain how the structural performance of brick cladding either braced or tied to withstand wind forces parallel to the face of the wall complies with industry codes and standards.

f) Draw a simple sketch of a brick ties and explain how it acts to stabilise and brace the wall.

g) With the aid of a simple sketch show 4 common finishes to a mortar joint and name them

1) 2) 3) 4)

h). Apart from a Brick Veneer wall (the sketches provided in a) - what are 2 other types/configurations of Brick Walls. Note: A Brick Veneer and Reverse Brick Veneer is one type.

e) What formula does AS3700 use to assess the structural performance of a brick wall in respect to its slenderness and buckling characteristics.

Section D Feedback to Student

Has the student successfully completed the task? Yes No

Feedback to student:

Assessor Name Date

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 31

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