diff_months: 2

The assessment will introduce and describe your identified population which is at risk youth with severe aggression, and intervention which is aggre

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Added on: 2024-12-24 07:30:25
Order Code: SA Student Sandra Science and Maths Assignment(9_22_28602_188)
Question Task Id: 463712

The assessment will introduce and describe your identified population which is at risk youth with severe aggression, and intervention which is aggression replacement therapy (ART) and provide evidence-based practice. The paper should use headings for each area and use a minimum of 5 references (academic journals, books, dissertations, etc.), and follow APA 7 format. You may also choose to use: www.rtwiseowl.com for examples of papers or the Therapeutic Recreation Journal for past journal articles.

Select one category and find an intervention that is appropriate as per the modules covered in this class.

Emotional expression (anger management) THIS IS MY TOPIC FOR THE ASSIGNMENT

The paper must include the following information:

Introduction and need for the program

Purpose statement

Program description

Impact of the intervention on an individuals physical, cognitive, social, and emotional functioning

Evidence-based research which identifies the benefits for this population

2 outcome-based goals and 3-4 objectives per goal

Activity logistics (length, materials needed, facility)

Adaptation techniques for another two different populations

Equipment utilised

Activity processing questions (during intervention)

Activity debrief (at the conclusion)

Budget the intervention

Evaluation (how will you measure if the client objectives have been met?)

Identify 3 programs available (with a weblink): one in the local community, state, and national that currently offers the intervention and details about the programs (this includes cost, location, times and dates, do they have an RT, equipment provided, population served)

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : December 24th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 18

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more