The Australian Construction Industry: Key Trends, Issues & Future Directions Report
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Prepare an Academic Report on the following:
Current Challenges & Future Opportunities for the Australian Construction Industry
The report should encompass the following:
- An overview of the Australian Construction Industry
- The main challenges currently facing the industry
- The key future opportunities for the industry over the decade
- Your personal evaluation of the current state of the industry and your key recommendations to help improve the industry
Your research methodology should be based on:
- A comprehensive literature review
- An industry interview with an appropriately qualified/experienced practitioner (note the findings from your interview should be incorporated into your report)
You need to provide written confirmation from the practitioner that you have interviewed them. This should be included as an appendix to the report.
The report should be approximately 4,000 words in length. However, there is no assignment. Students can exceed the word count by 25% without penalty.
The report should be written and presented in a professional report format. It must comply with the guidelines provided in the UTS Business School Writing Guide (2020)- this guide can be downloaded at https 20@usiness enting's 200uide202020.8
The APA 7 referencing system must be used- details about this referencing system can be found at: httes-www.uts.cubiter defaffles artistelde mloads VTS%2 Materactive 20APAS 20de.adf
The report should include a site page, a table of comments, an executive summary, introduction, body of the report with appropriate headings sub-headings, conclusion, bibliography references and an appendix. The appendix to the report should include a signed and dated statement from the interviewee confirming that you have interviewed them. This person's position, company and contact telephone number should be included