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Added on: 2024-12-23 04:00:42
Order Code: SA Student Sina Science and Maths Assignment(10_22_29751_449)
Question Task Id: 470448

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MLA Formatting (i.e. double-spaced Times New Roman 12 point font, proper page layout, etc) MLA In-text Citations (i.e. providing parenthetical in-text citations at the end of sentences that contain paraphrased or quoted material. These citations must list the authors last name and the page number where the material can be found. You must also provide citations when mentioning specific moments in the plot of a piece of literature) Strength of the Introduction (i.e. topic sentence, thesis argument, summary of supporting arguments) Strength of Body Paragraphs (i.e. topic sentence, evidence, analysis/discussion of the evidence, etc) Choice of Quotes from the Literature (i.e. choosing powerful quotes that you fully understanding the meaning of and have a lot to say about) Proper Contextualization of Quotations (i.e. introducing the necessary information needed for the quote to make sense to the reader before introducing the quote. You should summarize what is happening at the specific point in the piece of literature you are quoting from before providing the quote) Proper Introduction of Quotations (i.e. no quote can stand as a sentence on its own. You must have a few words introducing the quote at the beginning of the sentence. For instance, you may introduce the speaker of the quote if you are quoting dialogue (e.g. As Marina states, ). You must make sure that the sentence remains grammatically correct after introducing the quote) Demonstrates Understanding of Quotes (e.g. paraphrasing the quote while maintaining the complexity of what the author is saying in the quote) Close Analysis of Quotes (i.e. discussing the deeper messages that are sent by the authors use of specific words in the quote) Strength of Concluding Paragraph (i.e. paraphrasing of the thesis and supporting arguments; highlighting the importance of the analysis presented; etc) Demonstrates Critical and Creative Thinking MLA Bibliography (i.e. include all external sources; formatted as per MLA; etc) Grammar/Writing Style

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : December 23rd, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 23

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