Written Assessment Student Instructions
Written Assessment Student Instructions
Student name Student ID Qualification code and title 22473VIC Certificate II General Education for Adults
Unit code and title VU22414 Engage with a range of complex texts for learning purposes
VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes
Assessment task title AT2: Skimming and scanning exercise
Assessment task number 2 of 8 Due date Teacher/Assessor name Ha Do
Teacher/Assessor email hdo@kangan.edu.au
Student instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment task, you will be taking skim reading some articles and writing your answers in the Word document.
This is an open book assessment. You will need access to the internet.
Your teacher/assessor can assist you with clarifying any of the questions or instructions.
This completed Assessment is to be submitted to MyLearning, using the submission link. You must submit this document as a Microsoft Word file. DO NOT submit Apple Pages file as you will need to resubmit.
Task(s) to be assessed Student will use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Follow the instructions carefully for each question in this document
Time allowed There is no specific timeframe. However, it is suggested that you complete this task within the first month of your course commencement date.
Location You will complete this task at home.
Resources required Teacher/assessor supplied resources
This document
Student supplied resources
Computer, internet access
Assessment criteria To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must answer all questions correctly.
Results/Second attempt Your result and written feedback will be provided to you via MyLearning within 10 working days of the assessment due date. If you are deemed not satisfactory for any of the observations, you will be given one (1) more attempt at this assessment (or part thereof) or your teacher/assessor will negotiate a further assessment with you. The second attempt must be completed within 10 working days from the date your feedback is given.
Important information You can access further information regarding assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning, Reasonable Adjustment and Assessment Appeals in the Student handbook which can be found on the MyLearning portal.
Student Instructions
For this activity you will be reading and listening to several sources of information and answering questions.
Open this website:https://www.army.gov.au/our-people/our-values-contract
Video 1: https://youtu.be/U3DBC7O11zY
Read this article: https://cove.army.gov.au/article/army-values-compartmentalised-or-integratedVideo 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFM0qNxhcGYQ 1. What is the speakers main purpose in Video 1? What is the tone of his speech? Explain your answer in two sentences. (Tone could be happy, sad, angry, respectful, humorous, authoritative, serious, sombre )
Q 2. What are the Australian Army values?
Explain in your own words why the Australian Army values are so important to the work that soldiers do.
Q 3. What are the characteristics of the Australian soldier that are mentioned in Our Contract with Australia. What do they mean? (Explain the meaning of the characteristics in your own words.)
Q 4. Read the article Army Values: Compartmentalised or integrated?
Skim read the article. Explain in your own words the meaning of the title.
Q 4. Read the article Army Values: Compartmentalised or integrated?
Skim read the article. Write some dot points about how a soldiers personal values could link up with the Armys values.
Q 5. Re-read the section on evaluating personal values. Reflection on the last month/year and list any activities in your own life that would align with the Army values. Give at least 1 example.
Q 6. Watch the 2nd video from the Chief of Army. Make some dot points of some of the positive values that the speaker says are part of good soldiering.
Q 7. Reflect on the two videos. What are your thoughts or comments about the difficult role that leaders such as the Chief of Army face when there are complex issues being played out in the media?
Written Assessment Student Instructions
Student name Student ID Qualification code and title 22473VIC Certificate II General Education for Adults
Unit code and title VU22414 Engage with a range of complex texts for learning purposes
VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes
Assessment task title AT3: Reading and Summarising text
Assessment task number 3 of 8 Due date Teacher/Assessor name Ha Do
Teacher/Assessor email hdo@kangan.edu.au
Student instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment task, you will be taking reading and summarising biographical and historical texts and typing your answers in the Word document.
This is an open book assessment. You will need access to the internet.
Your teacher/assessor can assist you with clarifying any of the questions or instructions.
This completed Assessment is to be submitted to MyLearning, using the submission link. You must submit this document as a Microsoft Word file. DO NOT submit Apple Pages file as you will need to resubmit.
Task(s) to be assessed Student will use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Follow the instructions carefully for each question in this document
Time allowed There is no specific timeframe. However, it is suggested that you complete this task within the first month of your course commencement date.
Location You will complete this task at home.
Resources required Teacher/assessor supplied resources
This document
Student supplied resources
Computer, internet access
Assessment criteria To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must answer all questions correctly.
Results/Second attempt Your result and written feedback will be provided to you via MyLearning within 10 working days of the assessment due date. If you are deemed not satisfactory for any of the observations, you will be given one (1) more attempt at this assessment (or part thereof) or your teacher/assessor will negotiate a further assessment with you. The second attempt must be completed within 10 working days from the date your feedback is given.
Important information You can access further information regarding assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning, Reasonable Adjustment and Assessment Appeals in the Student handbook which can be found on the MyLearning portal.
Student Instructions
Download the AUDACITY book from My Learning, Topic 3 of the Unit this is a PDF that you can open in MyLearning.
(If you cannot find it on MyLearning you can download directly from the Australian War Memorial here https://www.awm.gov.au/sites/default/files/audacity.pdf)
Skim read the Audacity Book
Choose 3 interesting biographies of remarkable Australians and read them closely
Complete the biographical summaries in the table below.
Persons name Which war or conflict were they involved in? What were the outstanding qualities of valour they demonstrated? (e.g. courage and calm) Medals awarded to the person Describe their war-time service. What did they do that was so bold and courageous? Include interesting facts and write in your own words.
Write 3 paragraphs. What is your opinion/view of their outstanding service? Write a sentence. SECOND BIOGRAPHY
Persons name Which war or conflict were they involved in? What were the outstanding qualities of valour they demonstrated? (e.g. courage and calm) Medals awarded to the person Describe their war-time service. What did they do that was so bold and courageous? Include interesting facts and write in your own words.
Write 3 paragraphs. What is your opinion/view of their outstanding service? Write a sentence. THIRD BIOGRAPHY
Persons name Which war or conflict were they involved in? What were the outstanding qualities of valour they demonstrated? (e.g. courage and calm) Medals awarded to the person Describe their war-time service. What did they do that was so bold and courageous? Include interesting facts and write in your own words.
Write 3 paragraphs. What is your opinion/view of their outstanding service? Write a sentence. PART B
Again, using the Audacity book, go through and find all the War Facts and all the Medal Facts that are spread throughout the book.
Read these and then summarise in DOT POINTS in the table below.
Summarise and paraphrase into dot points
We are looking for just the key facts
War Name Fast Facts: Summarise key events. Use dot points
Boer War 1899 1902
16,000 Australians sent to South Africa
Australians fought with the British against the Dutch-Afrikaner (Boers)
Australians served in mounted units (horses)
600 died 280 in action, 280 disease and 40 unknown
Medal Award Description
Example Victoria Cross The highest award for bravery in battle.
Only awarded to British and Commonwealth forces during wartime.
Created in 1856 by Queen Victoria.
Got replaced in 1991 by the Victoria Cross for Australia.
99 Australians got the Victoria Cross or the Victoria Cross for Australia.
Written Assessment Student Instructions
Student name Student ID Qualification code and title 22473VIC Certificate II General Education for Adults
Unit code and title VU22414 Engage with a range of complex texts for learning purposes
VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes
Assessment task title AT6: Develop and Write an Essay
Assessment task number 6 of 9 Due date Teacher/Assessor name Ha Do
Teacher/Assessor email hdo@kangan.edu.au
Student instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment task, you will be researching, developing and writing an essay.
This is an open book assessment. You will need access to the internet.
Your teacher/assessor can assist you with clarifying any of the questions or instructions.
This completed Assessment is to be submitted to MyLearning, using the submission link. You must submit this document as a Microsoft Word file. DO NOT submit Apple Pages file as you will need to resubmit.
Task(s) to be assessed Student will use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Follow the instructions carefully for each question in this document
Time allowed There is no specific timeframe. However, it is suggested that you complete this task towards the end of your course.
Location You will complete this task at home.
Resources required Teacher/assessor supplied resources
This document
Student supplied resources
Computer, internet access
Assessment criteria To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must answer all questions correctly.
Results/Second attempt Your result and written feedback will be provided to you via MyLearning within 10 working days of the assessment due date. If you are deemed not satisfactory for any of the observations, you will be given one (1) more attempt at this assessment (or part thereof) or your teacher/assessor will negotiate a further assessment with you. The second attempt must be completed within 10 working days from the date your feedback is given.
Important information You can access further information regarding assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning, Reasonable Adjustment and Assessment Appeals in the Student handbook which can be found on the MyLearning portal.
Student Instructions
Essay Topics:
Explore some of the reasons that Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War went from a small contingent of military advisors in 1962 to thousands of personnel by 1965.
Explain the role the United States played in Australia's entry into the Vietnam War.
Discuss the primary reasons Australia withdrew its troops from the Vietnam War before the conflict came to an end in 1975.
Explain Australias involvement in a conflict of your choosing from https://www.awm.gov.au/articles/atwarExplore the lives of boy soldiers who fought in WWI and the publics reaction to losing children in conflict.
Choose a particular battalion or vessel from WWI or WWII and write about a significant event and how it impacted on the war effort.
How womens lives were affected by their involvement in WWI or WWII.
The essay should be in your own words. Do not copy and paste from the internet. Use the resources in MyLearning to develop good essay structure, include the TEEL paragraph, the 5-paragraph essay and other essay-writing tools.
Your essay should be from 600 to 800 words.
Essay Criteria:
The following points are the MINIMUM for you to achieve a Satisfactory result.
Overview of topic Provided a satisfactory overview of the topic.
Demonstrated an ability to communicate a clear argument both for and against. Presented at least one well-constructed arguments
Demonstrated appropriate use of research skills and use of a variety of sources Utilised a minimum of three resources, from at least two different sources, to a satisfactory standard.
Communicated research and knowledge effectively Communicated research to a good standard.
Correct essay format (introduction, body and conclusion) with appropriate paragraph and sentence structure. Essay included good introduction, body and conclusion mostly using correct sentence and paragraph structure.
Appropriate punctuation, grammar and syntax demonstrated. Essay presented with minimal spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors
APA referencing (reference list) demonstrated (and intext referencing attempted if needed)
Appropriate of reference list for at least two resources.
Research Essay Plan
Essay Plan
(To be submitted with final essay) Student Name and ID:
Choose Topic Break down the question into key points Define key terms Identify sources for research Identify key points of research Plan essay structure Introduction Body Conclusion Proofread and editing
Identify who will proofread your essay References
Identify any issues or question relating to referencing for teacher Your final essay submission below
Written Assessment Student Instructions
Student name Student ID Qualification code and title 22473VIC Certificate II General Education for Adults
Unit code and title VU22414 Engage with a range of complex texts for learning purposes
VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes
Assessment task title AT7: Communication Skills
Assessment task number 7 of 8 Due date Teacher/Assessor name Ha Do
Teacher/Assessor email hdo@kangan.edu.au
Student instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment task, you will be reading and analysing an Army article on communication.
This is an open book assessment. You will need access to the internet.
Your teacher/assessor can assist you with clarifying any of the questions or instructions.
This completed Assessment is to be submitted to MyLearning, using the submission link. You must submit this document as a Microsoft Word file. DO NOT submit Apple Pages file as you will need to resubmit.
Task(s) to be assessed Student will use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Follow the instructions carefully for each question in this document
Time allowed There is no specific timeframe. However, it is suggested that you complete this task towards the end of your course.
Location You will complete this task at home.
Resources required Teacher/assessor supplied resources
This document
Student supplied resources
Computer, internet access
Assessment criteria To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must answer all questions correctly.
Results/Second attempt Your result and written feedback will be provided to you via MyLearning within 10 working days of the assessment due date. If you are deemed not satisfactory for any of the observations, you will be given one (1) more attempt at this assessment (or part thereof) or your teacher/assessor will negotiate a further assessment with you. The second attempt must be completed within 10 working days from the date your feedback is given.
Important information You can access further information regarding assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning, Reasonable Adjustment and Assessment Appeals in the Student handbook which can be found on the MyLearning portal.
Student Instructions
In MyLearning (Topic 6), download the PDF file called Writing and Speaking Skills for Army Leaders from US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Q 1. (refer to point 1-1 in Chapter 1 of the PDF). What does the writer state are some of the communication qualities of a military leader?
Q 2. (refer to point 1-2) What does the writer state are the characteristics of good army writing?
Q 3. According to the writer, effective army writing is based on what??
Q 4. (Refer to 1-4) In your own words, explain what the writer means by critical thinking requires that you examine your assumptions and those of others
Q 5. (Refer to 1-8 to 1-11 Principles of good writing) Explain what the writer means by active voice.
Q 6. (Refer to 1-7) View the Seven-step problem solving model. Consider the 7 steps when faced with this scenario:
You and 6 other people are stranded on an island which is sinking. You have 1 small boat which can take 3 people at a time, and 2 people must row it. There may be other resources on the island, but time is running out and you need to get everyone to a nearby place for safety. Using the 7 steps, devise a solution to this problem. Explain using one or two sentences per step as to what you will do.
Q 7. Reflecting on what you have read in the Fort Leavenworth file, write at least three paragraphs on effective communication in the military. Ensure that you include details on
critical thinking;
decision making; and
problem solving.
Read: Effective Communication at https://cove.army.gov.au/article/effective-communication
Q 8. What does the writer suggest are barriers to effective communication for Army leaders?
Q 9. Why does the writer suggest that emails may limit successful communication?
Q 10. What does the writer state should occur during any planning phase to ensure good communication?
Written Assessment Student Instructions
Student name Student ID Qualification code and title 22473VIC Certificate II General Education for Adults
Unit code and title VU22414 Engage with a range of complex texts for learning purposes
VU22419 Create a range of complex texts for learning purposes
Assessment task title AT5: Comprehension of newspaper articles
Assessment task number 5 of 8 Due date Teacher/Assessor name Ha Do
Teacher/Assessor email hdo@kangan.edu.au
Student instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment task, you will be reading newspaper articles and responding to short answer questions, which you will type in the Word document.
This is an open book assessment. You will need access to the internet.
Your teacher/assessor can assist you with clarifying any of the questions or instructions.
This completed Assessment is to be submitted to MyLearning, using the submission link. You must submit this document as a Microsoft Word file. DO NOT submit Apple Pages file as you will need to resubmit.
Task(s) to be assessed Student will use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling
Follow the instructions carefully for each question in this document
Time allowed There is no specific timeframe. However, it is suggested that you complete this task in the middle of your course.
Location You will complete this task at home.
Resources required Teacher/assessor supplied resources
This document
Student supplied resources
Computer, internet access
Assessment criteria To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must answer all questions correctly.
Results/Second attempt Your result and written feedback will be provided to you via MyLearning within 10 working days of the assessment due date. If you are deemed not satisfactory for any of the observations, you will be given one (1) more attempt at this assessment (or part thereof) or your teacher/assessor will negotiate a further assessment with you. The second attempt must be completed within 10 working days from the date your feedback is given.
Important information You can access further information regarding assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning, Reasonable Adjustment and Assessment Appeals in the Student handbook which can be found on the MyLearning portal.
Student Instructions
Read: 60 year old WWI secrete unearthed in the Great Southern http://www.abc.net.au/local/videos/2015/05/27/4243382.htmRead: War Medals Unearthed https://au.news.yahoo.com/war-medals-unearthed-28257981.html
These articles refer to the same event. Read both and answer the questions.
Q 1. Before you read the articles, what do you think the articles will be about? Write two sentences.
Q 2. What are the dates of publication of the articles? Are they the same?
Q 3. Who are the publishers of these two articles?
Q 4. Roughly when were the war medals buried?
Q 5. What will the family do with the medals?
Q 6. Compare the two articles. Is there a significant difference between them? Is one more entertaining than the other?
Q 7. In your opinion, why are the medals and memorabilia important to the family? Write at least two sentences.
Read: HMAS AE1 World War I submarine found after century-long search https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-21/hmas-ae1-submarine-found-after-century-long-search/9278782
Please scroll half way down this page to access the video presented by Jeremy Fernandez
Q 1. What is the main purpose of this article? (Educate, entertain, inform or another purpose?).
Give your reasons for your answer in at least 1 sentence.
Q 2. How does the writer achieve the main purpose of the text? (For example, small sections of information, use of quotation, wording of headline, use of photos.) Name one or two and give your explanation in at least 1 sentence.
Q 3. In note form, summarise the main ideas/information from the articles.
Q 4. Watch the video that is embedded on the page. Summarise the main ideas from the video. Do these differ or add more information than the article?
Q 5. Who do you think is the main audience for the general news article? Give reasons for your answer.
Q 6. Do you think that the audience for the video is different/same as the newspaper article? Why/why not?
Q 7. How effective was this news report in providing an interesting and informative article? Did you enjoy reading the article? Or did you find it more interesting after you had watched the video? Explain.
Q 8. How relevant was this news report to you and your future plans? Give an explanation for your answer.