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53193958890000Stage 2 Child Studies

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Order Code: SA Student marcalelna Child Studies Assignment(7_23_35013_329)
Question Task Id: 492468

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53193958890000Stage 2 Child Studies

Task 5 - Feeding the Foetus - AOS 1 Contemporary and Future Issues

Weighting: 12.5%

This activity aims to explore the impact of genetic and lifestyle factors that influence child development and health, through the exploration of foetal development and nutrition demands during pregnancy.

Research Task (500 Words) Draft: Thursday 8th June 2023 (Week 18)

Final: Tuesday 18th July 2023 (Week 21)

Investigate the impact of prenatal diets on the foetus/ child.

Choose one specific condition and research the role of prenatal diets that effect the developing foetus and the short and long term effects on the child if any.

Investigate the types of foods that a mother should consume to target the chosen deficiency or condition and discuss the implications of this.

The focus question is; What role do prenatal diets play in preventing birth defects?

Practical Application (conducted in class during the double lesson)

Trial: Thursday 15th June 2023 (Week 19)

Final: Thursday 22nd June 2023 (Week 20)

Description: Students are required to plan and safely prepare a main meal for a pregnant person that suits the nutritional demands of both them and the developing foetus based on preventing a nutrient deficiency. Students are required to complete a food order and conduct a detailed nutritional panel of their recipe indicating its suitability. Students should collect evidence from their practical addressing the following criteria;The decision made/ recipe.

The implementation of safe management practices.

How they prepared and portioned the dish.

How they analysed the suitability for their recipe

How they organised their food order, ingredients and prepared for their practical.

Evidence Sheet: Double sized evidence sheet with annotated photographs Due: Tuesday 18th July 2023 (Week 21))

Submission Criteria: An electronic copy via Turn It In must be uploaded online and in compass and a hard copy must be printed off and attached to the task sheet by the due date.

Assessment Criteria for Stage 2 Child Studies Task 5 Feeding the Foetus

Investigation and CriticalAnalysis Problem-solving Practical Application Collaboration Evaluation

A In-depth investigation and perceptive critical analysis of contemporary trends and/or issues related to the health and well-being of children.

Perceptive analysis of information for relevance and appropriateness, with appropriate acknowledgment of sources.

Highly effective application of literacy and numeracy skills, including clear and consistent use of appropriate terminology. Astute identification and discussion of factors involved in problem-solving related to the health and well-being of children.

Astute and very appropriate decision-making about problem-solving and implementation strategies.

Clear and very relevant justification of decisions about problem-solving and implementation strategies. Ongoing and productive implementation of safe management practices and appropriate techniques, and sophisticated generation and maintenance of quality control.

Productive and efficient organisation and management of time and resources.

Logical selection and application of the most appropriate technology to prepare learning activities for children in a culturally diverse society. Initiation of ideas and procedures, display of leadership within the group, and proactive and inclusive response to members of the group.

Proactive and focused involvement in group activities and discussions to support the health and well-being of children. Insightful evaluation of the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance.

Sophisticated appraisal of the impact of technology on the health and well-being of children.

Insightful explanation of the connections between research and/or planning, and practical application.

In-depth evaluation of contemporary trends and/or issues related to child development in a variety of settings.

B Detailed investigation and well-considered critical analysis of contemporary trends and/or issues related to the health and well-being of children.

Well-considered analysis of information for relevance and appropriateness, with appropriate acknowledgment of sources.

Effective application of literacy and numeracy skills, including mostly clear use of appropriate terminology. Well-considered identification and discussion of factors involved in problem-solving related to the health and well-being of children.

Well-considered and appropriate decision-making about problem-solving and implementation strategies.

Mostly clear and relevant justification of decisions about problem-solving and implementation strategies. Mostly productive implementation of safe management practices and appropriate techniques, and well-considered generation and maintenance of quality control.

Mostly productive organisation and management of time and resources.

Mostly logical selection and application of appropriate technology to prepare learning activities for children in a culturally diverse society. Initiation of some ideas and procedures, some display of leadership within the group, and thoughtful and active response to members of the group.

Active and thoughtful involvement in group activities and discussions to support the health and well-being of children. Thoughtful evaluation of the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance.

Well-informed appraisal of the impact of technology on the health and well-being of children.

Well-considered explanation of the connections between research and/or planning, and practical application.

Well-informed evaluation of contemporary trends and/or issues related to child development in different settings.

C Competent investigation and some considered critical analysis of contemporary trends and/or issues related to the health and well-being of children.

Considered analysis of information for relevance and appropriateness, with generally appropriate acknowledgment of sources.

Generally effective application of literacy and numeracy skills, including competent use of appropriate terminology. Considered identification and discussion of some factors involved in problem-solving related to the health and well-being of children.

Generally considered and appropriate decision-making about problem-solving and implementation strategies.

Generally relevant justification of decisions about problem-solving and implementation strategies, with some clarity. Competent implementation of safe management practices and techniques, and considered generation and maintenance of quality control.

Competent organisation and management of time and resources.

Appropriate selection and application of technology to prepare learning activities for children in a culturally diverse society. Some initiative with ideas or procedures, occasional leadership within the group, and generally active response to members of the group.

Active involvement in group activities and discussions to support the health and well-being of children. Considered evaluation of the processes and outcomes of practical and group activities, including their own performance.

Informed appraisal of the impact of technology on the health and well-being of children.

Considered explanation of the connections between research and/or planning, and practical application.

Informed evaluation of contemporary trends and/or issues related to child development in different settings.

D Some investigation and basic description of one or more contemporary trends or issues related to the health and well-being of children.

Some consideration of information for relevance or appropriateness, with some inconsistent acknowledgment of sources.

Inconsistent application of literacy and numeracy skills, with use of some terminology that may be appropriate. Superficial identification and discussion of some factors involved in solving basic problems related to the health or well-being of children.

Some basic and inconsistent decision-making about problem-solving and/or implementation strategies.

Some description and partial justification of one or more problem-solving and/or implementation strategies. Basic implementation of one or more safe management practices and/or techniques, and some basic consideration of the generation and maintenance of quality control.

Inconsistent organisation and management of time and resources.

Identification and some application of technology that may be appropriate to prepare learning activities for children in a culturally diverse society. Some participation within the group, and some response to members of the group. Participation is often passive.

Some basic involvement in group activities or discussions to support the health or well-being of children. Basic consideration of the processes and/or outcomes of practical and group activities, which may include their own performance.

Superficial consideration of the impact of technology on the health or well-being of children.

Some basic description of one or more connections between research and/or planning, and practical application.

Superficial reflection on one or more contemporary trends or issues related to child development, tending towards basic description.

E Limited investigation or basic description of one or more contemporary trends or issues related to the health or well-being of children.

Limited identification or acknowledgment of information that may have some relevance.

Attempted application of literacy and numeracy skills, with attempted use of some basic terminology that may be appropriate. Identification of one or more factors involved in solving basic problems related to the health or well-being of children.

Attempted decision-making about problem-solving or an implementation strategy.

Attempted description of one or more problem-solving or implementation strategies. Attempted development or implementation of a safe management practice or a technique, and some awareness of the need for quality control.

Limited organisation or management of time and resources.

Limited identification or application of technology that may be appropriate to prepare learning activities for children in a culturally diverse society. Some attempted participation in one or more aspects of group work, and occasional response to members of the group.

Attempted involvement in one or more group activities or discussions to support the health or well-being of children. Attempted consideration of one or more processes or outcomes of a practical or group activity, which may include their own performance.

Attempted description of an impact of technology on the health or well-being of children.

Limited awareness of any connections between research and/or planning, and practical application.

Some recognition of one or more contemporary trends or issues related to child development.

Final Grade:


Choose one of the following focus areas:

What Role do Prenatal Diets Play in Preventing Birth Defects (Pick one focus are below)?

(Pick 1)

Neural tube defects (spinabifida)

Congenital Heart Disease


Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia

Cleft palate


Cerebral palsy


Start Your Introduction: Discuss the role of prenatal nutrition during pregnancy- Try researching why diet is important during pregnancy keep this intro short and to the point. You may then want to narrow down your introduction to specify the focus of your investigation by introducing the nutrient being explored and the role that nutrient plays in reducing a childs risk of being born with your chosen birth defect.

TOPIC PARAGRAPH 1; Define your chosen birth defect and discuss how it impacts the foetal development and or child. I.e.; What is Cerebral palsy and what causes it? What is the impact on the fetus or child? Explore short and long term consequences.

TOPIC PARAGRAPH 2: Research the impact of nutrition on this condition. Identify types of foods and ingredients high in the required nutrients that combat this condition. Conduct research on recipes and include your chosen recipe as an example of a healthy dish as part of your primary data. Conduct a nutritional analysis of this recipe and include it in your research. Discuss any implications related to this. What foods should be consumed during pregnancy? How should they best be prepared? What increases/ decreases nutrient absorption?

What role does nutrition play in contributing to this disorder/ condition?

What are the recommended intake requirements for pregnant women daily?

What types of foods should be consumed?

How should they be cooked?

What other implications impact absorption/ intake? You may discuss soil/ safety/ cooking methods and types of ingredients to pair that increase absorption.

Give examples of a recipe that would represent an appropriately portioned meal rich in nutrients for a pregnant women to consume.

TOPIC PARAGRAPH 3: Discuss the other diet, environmental or genetic factors that may also influence the developing foetus during pregnancy? Its important to acknowledge that diet doesnt control everything and also identify safety precautions related to types of foods.

What other factors may influence birth defects? Can we fully control it through diet alone?

What are the food safety precautions women should follow?

How should women best manage their diet to maintain healthy foetal development? You may want to discuss the AGTHE, portion control, managing gestational diabetes and food to avoid.

Conclusion: Conclude with your response to the impact of prenatal diets on the health and wellbeing of children.

Use your research to inform your practical your dish needs to be healthy and cooked appropriately, ingredients need to be safe and also high in nutrients as well as balanced and energy efficient for mother and baby. Dont worry too much about the finer details for the trial recipe, you will have time to tweak this after your first cook ruse this calculator to determine nutritional content of your recipe.

Student Practical Evidence

After the assessed practical include screen shots or photographs to provide evidence against the criteria. In the annotations, describe your performanceAnnotation Photographic Evidence

PA1 Implementation of safe management practices

Photo of you safely storing high risk foods/ washing hands/ cleaning.

Management of high risk foods temperature control. Photo of you stabilising cutting boards, cutting safely or applying skills that improve dish quality.

PA1 appropriate techniques

Photo of you using tools or technology to achieve a quality product. Doing careful vegetable cuts, following the correct cooking method. Ie; steaming, grilling, boiling etc.

PA1 generation and maintenance of quality control.

Checking that food is cooked properlyUse of appropriate ingredients for pregnancy

Portion of ingredients suitable.

PA2 Organisation and management of time

Food order/ nutritional analysis and recipe with detailed method submitted on time.

Tool/ apps or resources used to plan or prepare the meal. (recipe analysis).

PA2 Organisation and management of resources.

Photo of your misenplace organisation of cooking appliances and utensils.

work space organised and clean.

Comment on any additional materials used to determine the recipe such as the AGTHE or the trial cook to determine portion size.

Final Product

Photo of final dish and comment what it is and the nutrient of focus.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 23rd, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 38

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