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7 High Distinction

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Order Code: SA Student Delna Other Subjects Assignment(5_24_42638_656)
Question Task Id: 507967


7 High Distinction

6 Distinction

5 Credit

4 Pass

3 Marginal Fail

2 Fail

Knowledge and Technological Skills (KS) 1.2: Demonstrate the application of an evidence decision making framework to comprehensively evaluate a real-world business issue.

Situational Analysis,

Application of evidence-based SWOT analysis. You have comprehensively described the situation clearly and concisely. You have undertaken significant research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. Extensive academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis. You have described well the situation clearly. You have undertaken very good research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. Very good academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis. You have described the situation. You have undertaken good research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. Good academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis. May contain ambiguities. You have briefly described the situation. You have undertaken superficial research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. Limited academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis. You have not described the situation. You have not undertaken sufficient research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. Very limited academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis. You have completely failed to describe the situation. You have not undertaken any research to develop and apply the SWOT analysis. No academic and industry evidence provided to support the SWOT analysis.

Or - Significant sections have been plagiarized or poorly cited.

Higher Order Thinking (HO) 2.1: Investigate real world business issues and situations through the effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice.

Strategy and Growth

Segment the market, determine the target(s), optimal value proposition and apply the growth strategy.

You have comprehensively and clearly segmented the market and determined the target(s). You have identified, with evidence, the optimal value proposition and applied the growth strategy. Extensive academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims. You have clearly segmented the market and determined the target(s). You have identified, with some evidence, the optimal value proposition and applied the growth strategy. Very good academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims. You have segmented the market and determined the target(s). You have identified, with brief evidence, the optimal value proposition and applied the growth strategy. Good academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims. May contain ambiguities. You have attempted to segment the market and determine the target(s). You have attempted to identify, with limited evidence, the optimal value proposition and partially apply the growth strategy. Limited academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims. May contain ambiguities or may have missed an element. You have failed to segment the market and/or determine the target(s). You have failed to identify, with very limited evidence, the optimal value proposition and/or apply the growth strategy. You have overlooked several relevant elements. Very limited academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims. You have completely failed to segment the market and/or determine the target(s). You have failed to identify, with any evidence, the optimal value proposition and/or apply the growth strategy. You have overlooked several relevant elements. No academic and industry evidence provided to support your claims.

Or - Significant sections have been plagiarized or poorly cited.

Higher Order Thinking (HO) 2.2: Exercise independent judgment and initiative in adapting and applying knowledge and skills for effective planning, problem solving and decision making.

Ethical Considerations

Describe the ethical marketing considerations and controls implemented. You comprehensively and correctly outline all ethical considerations. You have comprehensively identified all potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture with strong and substantial evidence. You clearly and correctly outline all ethical considerations. You have clearly identified all potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture with evidence. You outline most of the ethical considerations. You have identified several potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture with some evidence. May contain ambiguities. You superficially outline the ethical considerations. You have identified some, but not all, potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture with limited evidence. May contain ambiguities or may have missed an element. You fail to fully outline the ethical considerations. You have not identified the potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture. Contains ambiguities or may have missed an element. Very limited evidence offered to support claims. You have completely failed to outline the ethical considerations. You have not identified any potential risks associated with failing to implement an ethical corporate culture. Contains ambiguities or may have missed an element. No evidence offered to support claims.

Or - Significant sections have been plagiarized or poorly cited.

Professional Communication (PC 3.1): Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms.

Clarity and Presentation.

Your Marketing Plan is a professionally presented, fully comprehensive, clear document. No grammatical issues present. The report effectively and accurately communicates within the specified word limit. All sources are accurately referenced using the APA style. Your Marketing Plan is in the main, a professionally presented, clear document. No grammatical issues present. In the main, the report accurately communicates within the word limits. Generally, the sources have been accurately referenced using the APA style. Your Marketing Plan is in the main, well presented and communicated but, with some ambiguity and with some minor grammatical errors. Your communication generally falls within the specified word limits. Most of your sources are referenced using APA style but may contain some minor errors. Your Marketing Plan is reasonably presented and communicated but, with some ambiguity and with some minor grammatical errors. Your communication generally falls within the specified word limits. Most of your sources are referenced using APA style but may contain some minor errors. Your Marketing Plan is unclearly presented and is ambiguous with several grammatical errors. Your communication generally falls outside the specified word limits. Many of your sources are not cited and you have inconsistently applied the APA style. Your Marketing Plan is completely unclear and is ambiguous. Multiple grammatical errors are evident. Your report falls outside the specified word limits. Mostly all of your sources are not cited, and you have inconsistently applied the APA style.

Or - Significant sections have been plagiarized or poorly cited.

Marketing Plan

Executive Summary (Write this last) (200 Words)

The single most important opportunity for [outline the opportunity].

This situation is an opportunity because [outline its potential performance impact].

To take advantage of this opportunity [business] should [briefly outline the essence of the proposed action].

Situational Analysis (Week 3) (500 words)

Brief overview of the retail/firm of your choice.

Clearly identify the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats [SWOT]. associated with the proposed business. (Use a table and place in appendix and cite evidence).

State the single most rewarding opportunity for the company [outline its potential performance impact with evidence].

Evidence how will this opportunity overcome the threats/weaknesses and leverage the strengths?

Strategy (Week 4/5/6) (1000 words)

Segment the market you see as most viable.

Identify the target (or targets) for your business products or services.

Determine the optimal value proposition.

Detail how you will position your business products or services toward the target.

Growth Strategy (Week 11) (500 Words)

Indicate which growth strategy you intend to follow.

Apply that growth strategy to your chosen business.

Ethical Elements (Week 12) (300 Words)

Indicate the ethical selling elements you will implement.

Exhibits (not included in word count)

Reference List (not included in word count)

APA referencing style.

Assessment 2 Task Instructions

This is an individual assignment, worth 60% of your overall grade.

Use the template provided to structure your Marketing Plan.

The strict 2,500-word limit is for the main body of the assignment (not exhibits, graphs or references).

Use APA referencing style throughout the document.

Wikipedia and other similar sources are not to be referenced in this assignment.

Peer reviewed academic research is to be cited as evidence.

Leading industry publications and commercial research reports are also appropriate sources.

Journalistic sources (newspapers) may be used to set the scene, but not as evidence.

Keep backup copies of your assignment.

Your task:

In this assignment, you will construct a comprehensive marketing plan for a business of your choice.

Building upon knowledge and feedback from Assessment 1, you will undertake independent research and apply evidence-based decision-making to determine appropriate strategic segmentation and targeting approaches, and supporting tactics, to clearly articulate the businesses value proposition.

Assume the role of a management consultant. You may choose one of the following scenarios.

A real business that is currently delivering poor financial results, i.e., declining in sales.

A real business that has recently ceased operations, i.e., Send or Voly Groceries.

A real business you intend to open or are currently running.

A real business you are employed at or a family business.

*You are not permitted to use the case study business from Assessment 1.

After providing a brief overview of the business of your choice, you are to develop a 2,500 word Marketing Plan.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 20th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 40

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more