From the module guide
Answer up to 10 questions on a selected paper. Maximum length 1000 words.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Explain the structure of biological systems
Apply knowledge of biological principles to the response of organisms to stimuli
Describe how organisms interact with one another
You must use this template (Tables 1 and 2) for your assessment. The word limit is an absolute maximum, do not exceed it (that is do not assume you can give the word limit plus 10%, this is not the case this time). The practise paper exercise answers totalled under 700 words so you should be able to complete the task and be well under the word limit.
On the KLE go to Assessments/Paper comprehension assessment/Papers and you will see a folder for each degree strand in Life Sciences. Fill in Table 1 below for each publication as follows. For each paper state whether the article has been peer reviewed and give the category of publication, that is, is it a review article or original research? You may need to do some research to find out if a publication is peer reviewed.
TABLE 1: Brief characteristics of the papers chosen for paper comprehension assessment.
Paper discipline Biology Biomedical Sciences Neuro-scienceHuman biology Biochem-istry Veterinary
Peer review (Yes or No) Type of paper (review or original research) Then choose one of the papers and answer the following questions by filling in Table 2 below. You may choose your degree subject or any of the other subjects. Take care to use your own words, to show your understanding, rather than cutting and pasting from the paper. You may find that not all the questions apply to every paper. If a question does not apply to your chosen paper, enter not applicable in the response section.
TABLE 2: Questions and responses for the paper comprehension exercise
Question Your response
1 Give a full Harvard citation of your chosen paper 2 Arethe aims of the researchclearly stated?If yes,give brief details. 3 Whenthe dataweregathered were there controlsand referencesand were experiments repeated?If yes, give brief details 4 Explain ifthe samples used in the studywererepresentative. 5 Was statistical analysis used and ifyes,please state the methodemployedand what it is used forin one sentence. 6 Are the findings clearlystated?If yes, please givebrief details 7 Givedetails ofany biasin the paper. 8 Describeany weaknesses in the method. 9 Give details of anyfurther workthat hasbeenidentified 10 What new knowledge has this paper contributed to theliterature?How could this new knowledge be appliedin a wider context?
Mark scheme
Marks are awarded according to the following criteria:
Mark awarded Criteria
0 not really addressed
1 poor, but some attempt
2 attempted but incomplete or with large error/several errors
3 reasonable attempt made, some omissions /mistakes
4 good attempt made, allowing minor omissions /mistakes
5 outstanding, all criteria fulfilled and/or expectations exceeded
Marked by:
What you did well:
How your work could be improved:
Section Expected contents Total marks available (see criteria below) Marks awarded
1 Table 1 completed accurately
Full and accurate citation of chosen paper given in the Harvard style 5 2 Brief details of the aims of the research given
Brief details of controls, referencesand repeats used when data were gathered given
Explanation of whether samples used in the studywererepresentative 5 3 Statement of whether statistical analysis was used, the methodemployedand what it was used forin one sentence
Brief details of the findings given
Details given of any bias in the paper 5 4 Any weaknesses in the method described
Details of further work given
New knowledge stated and application in a wider context given 5 Grand total 20 Remember that not all questions will apply to every paper