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ARCH 7042 Designing Research Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-12 06:29:09
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Assignment 3: Research Project Proposal 40%

Description and Aim

This assignment asks you to design a research project proposal that could produce new knowledge to address the research question/gap identified through the Literature Review (Assignment 1). You are to expand on your initial ideas and articulate the required details and justifications for a proposed research project in the format of a conventional research proposal using the template 'Research Proposal Proforma' provided (download from Week 8 module).


The major task for this submission is to prepare a research project proposal according to the conventional headings and sections to be found in the Research Proposal Proforma. You may use the Proforma document or include the sections in a new document format. The following details the requirements of the sections. See also further advice in the Proforma.

Title and abstract

Revise and refine your Ass1 project title (up to 20 words) + abstract (which should now be reduced to just 100 words in length) to better reflect your clearer and more focused understanding after completing the Literature Review assignment of the research topic and question(s) that you are seeking to explore in the proposed project. Be sure to cover method or howyou propose to conduct your research. The abstract is not just a clear description of a focused problem, but also how you intend to investigate it.

Project Outline

The outline (approximately 2,000 words) should be sufficiently comprehensive to explain your project logically and coherently. It should be clear that you understand recent research trends and debates about the research topic.Use the following the headings and guidelines to provide the required content word count is a guide and will depend on the project. Avoid the use of jargon, colloquial expression and weasel words. See the Proforma for more detail.

  • Introductory background (300-400 words)
  • Research questions (100-200 words)
  • Aims/Objectives of the Project (200-300 words)
  • Significance/Contribution to the discipline (500-600)
  • Theoretical framework and methods (500-600)


Itemise equipment, travel and other needs as explained in the methods. This is not about accurate costs (these are fine as rough estimates) but about listing items which show you appreciate what your methods require as specific tasks and activities.

Research timeline, and projected mode and content of the final output

This is a timeline of activities for 12 weeks that accounts for developing the content as well as producing the final research output (not the outcome). Consider carefully what the delivery mode, format or media of the final output of the research will be for those that most need your research. There may be several different final outputs. The timeline should show a fully logical method of research steps.

Skills training and professional development

List any training you might need to undertake the research activities (and allow for this in your timeline)

Other requirements

See Proforma

References cited + Bibliography of planned reading (if required)

This is NOT an annotated bibliography but a list of references as cited in the Project Outline + any more references that are anticipated as necessary to read in order to undertake the project.

Plagiarism Declaration

Be sure to use referenced quotation or paraphrasing (with in-text citation) to avoid plagiarism. Make sure you have chosen a referencing style (3rdpull-down menu)and apply it consistently.

Assessment criteria

  • Revised Ass1 title and abstract: concise, clearly communicating the what, why and how of the research proposal.
  • Fully completed Project Outline (section 3 of the Research Proposal Proforma) is approximately 2000 words, addressing requirements as listed (e.g. in-text citation)
  • All sections of the Research Proposal Proforma are complete and consistent across sections, including all steps in research method/s (e.g. the Outline should describe steps which are visible in the GHANNT chart). Section requirements include:
    • Introductory background explains the history of the topic, its problems and challenges, identifying briefly what issues or aspects still need to be investigated (the 'gap').
    • Clear main research question and relevant/supporting sub-questions + clear aims and objectives that come from asking these questions
    • Significance/Contribution to the discipline explains why? the proposed research is needed, and the 'gap' it addresses by presenting a referenced discussion of the relevant literature/precedents.
    • Approach & methods Identifies overall approach (theoretical framework and/or strategy) and then clear steps/tactics in the research process matching title and abstract and coordinated with timeline, budget and training.
  • Employs clear language avoiding jargon, colloquial expression and weasel words.
  • Overall the Statement presents a coherent, well-reasoned proposal of value that can be completed within 12 weeks.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 12th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 441

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more