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EDMA291 Assessment Task 2

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Question Task Id: 505732

EDMA291 Assessment Task 2

Using Assessment Rubrics for Open-Ended Tasks and Evaluation of Assessment Strategies Used in Mathematics Education

Partner A name:

Student ID number:

Partner B name:

Student ID number:

Open-ended task selection

The task that we selected was (task name)

Mathematical purpose of open-ended task

The mathematical purpose of this task is:

(name the intended impact of the task, i.e., that conceptual knowledge will be developed and what proficiencies and ways of working mathematically will be practised)

Curriculum links for open-ended task

This task addresses the following curriculum content used in our state:

(include curriculum information cut and pasted from curriculum documentation in your state)

Completed open-ended task with annotations: Sample from Partner A task accomplishedInsert your fully worked sample that matches the task that we would expect to see from a Grade 5/6 student who completes the task at an expected level standard (task accomplished).

Completed open-ended task with annotations: Sample from Partner B going beyondInsert your fully worked sample that matches the task that we would expect to see from a Grade 5/6 student who completes the task at an above expected level standard (going beyond).

Rubric for open-ended task: Rubric ready for classroom use by in-service teacher: Paired component (600 words equivalent)

Score Open-ended task: (insert name here)

Content/knowledge/mathematical ideas/concepts Proficiencies/processes/skills/strategies/ways of demonstrating knowledge


Goes beyond Include descriptors that are about the mathematics content here (there will be more than one for each level here)

Include descriptors that are about the mathematics proficiencies and/or ways of working mathematically here (there will be more than one for each level here)


Task accomplished Include descriptors that are about the mathematics content here (there will be more than one for each level here)dInclude descriptors that are about the mathematics proficiencies and/or ways of working mathematically here (there will be more than one for each level here)


Substantial progress Include descriptors that are about the mathematics content here (there will be more than one for each level here)

Include descriptors that are about the mathematics proficiencies and/or ways of working mathematically here (there will be more than one for each level here)


Some progress Include descriptors that are about the mathematics content here (there will be more than one for each level here)

Include descriptors that are about the mathematics proficiencies and/or ways of working mathematically here (there will be more than one for each level here)


Little progress Include descriptors that are about the mathematics content here (there will be more than one for each level here)

Include descriptors that are about the mathematics proficiencies and/or ways of working mathematically here (there will be more than one for each level here)

Evaluation of assessment strategies (Individual component) (400 words)

Include in here your critique of mathematics education literature about the use of mathematics assessment interview and rubrics in mathematics). Use the prompts provided in How to go about AT2 on Canvas to support your work with this section.

You complete this part individually from your partner.

Intended use in future practice (individual component) (200 words)

Include in here your intended use of mathematics assessment interviews and rubrics, providing justifications for their use. Use the prompts provided in How to go about AT2 on Canvas to support your work with this section.

You complete this part individually from your partner.


Include all sources used to inform your pedagogical reasoning using APA7 referencing style.

You and your partner will chooseone (1)open-ended taskthat could be used with students in Years 5 and 6. You will then write a short description for the open-ended task that clearly states its mathematical purpose. In this sense, you are stating the mathematics content (knowledge, ideas, concepts) that will be learned, including the proficiencies/processes (strategies, skills, ways of thinking and working mathematically) that students have opportunities to develop by engaging with the task. You will also link the open-ended task to curriculum documentation (e.g., outcomes or content descriptors) used in your state/territory.

You and your partner are to independently complete the open-ended task, each creating a high-quality work sample where clear understanding of the mathematics is demonstrated. The work samples would be of quality deemed as "task accomplished" and "goes beyond" at a Year 5/6 level. The work sample needs to clearly show your approach to completing the task. After completing the two work samples, reflect further on the knowledge (rational number concepts, big ideas) that underpin the task, and think about the ways of working mathematically and ways of demonstrating that knowledge (proficiencies/processes, skills, strategies). Scan or take a clear photo of your work samples and insert them into the EDMA291 Assessment Task 2 template.

Drawing on your reflection and completion of the open-ended task, together design a 'task-specific' rubric that could be used with that open-ended task for assessment purposes. This rubric needs to be specific and clearly show progression of understanding and achievement with your assigned rational number task, from a little progress through to going beyond the expected year level understanding. You are writing this rubric for a group of teachers, so the rubric needs to be clear, relevant, and cohesive, but succinct and concise. Your rubric should contain appropriate terminology that teachers would use when in a planning meeting as they analyse work samples created by students. Create the rubric by using the template for this EDMA291 Assessment Task 2 and drawing on knowledge and skills that you will develop through engagement in the EDMA291 tutorials.

For the individual components evaluation of assessment strategies and intended use in future practice access relevant mathematics education literature sources about assessment interviews and open-tasks with rubrics in primary mathematics classrooms. Be sure to use mathematics education literature and not general education literature with this aspect of this EDMA291 assessment task.

You may like to use the following questions to guide your reading of the literature and completion of this final aspect of this task:

What are authors saying about those assessment strategies?

What are the advantages of the assessment strategies used in primary schools?

What are the disadvantages?

What are the authors saying that is similar? What themes are common within the literature sources?

Who is reporting something unique to the others, and what are they advising?

Drawing from the literature, present an evaluation of the two assessment strategies (mathematics assessment interviews & rubrics). You need to provide an unbiased, balanced, and informed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both assessment strategies. You must support your discussion with references to mathematics education literature sources. You must also include how teachers can use those assessment strategies as ways of providing feedback to primary students, and how teachers can use the data collected from those strategies to inform mathematics planning and teaching. For this reason, you are also encouraged to read mathematics education literature sources related to student feedback and planning practices using assessment data.

You then are asked to think about your future career as a teacher of primary mathematics using those assessment strategies. You will articulate and justify your intended use of those strategies, providing a realistic and informed presentation of your pedagogical reasoning. You will make references to mathematics education literature sources to support your intended use of the assessment strategies. If you wish to gain further marks, you will present in thoughtful, practical, and insightful ways of mitigating obstacles that might impede your intended use of the assessment strategies in your future career.

Proofread your submission and use Turnitin to check for any originality and/or AI issues. Please note there will be text matching from the use of the template.


To construct an assessment rubric for anopen-ended taskthat can be used to assess student achievement in both conceptual knowledge and procedural skills.

To present a critique of common assessment strategies used by teachers in mathematics education.

To offer an informed justification of future practice using assessment strategies when teaching primary school mathematics.

Brief description of task

Download theEDMA291 Assessment Task 2 Template INCLUDEPICTURE "https://canvas.acu.edu.au/images/svg-icons/svg_icon_download.svg" * MERGEFORMATINET ActionsInitial component:

You must chooseone (1)open-ended rational number taskthat could be used with students in a Year 5/6 class.

Refer to the syllabus/ curriculum documents from your state or territory to determine what students should be able to do by the end of Year 6 in relation to mathematical concepts and mathematical reasoning.

Partner A: Completes the open-ended taskon their own. The worked sample should show at least a task accomplished level that you would expect to see from a Year 5/6 student. Include an annotated fully worked solution that clearly demonstrate your mathematical content knowledge (i.e., your content understanding and ways of working mathematically through enacting the proficiencies).

Partner B: Completes the same open-ended taskon their own.The worked sample should show at least a working beyond level that you would expect to see from a Year 5/6 student. Include an annotated fully worked solution that clearly demonstrate your mathematical content knowledge (i.e., your content understanding and ways of working mathematically through enacting the proficiencies).

Complete page one of the template:

Name of the task

Identify the purpose and impact of the task (include the procedural and conceptual understanding required to complete the task).

Include curriculum connections related to the task (from your state or territory)

Embed each of your completed open-ended and annotated tasks on pages 2 and 3 of the template.

Paired written component

Rubric(600-word *equivalent)

Working with your partner, design an A4 page assessment rubric to assess both conceptual knowledge and procedural skills for the open-ended tasks that were completed at the 'what to do' step (landscape layout; use size 12 Times New Roman or Arial font 1.5 or double spacing).

Your rubric needs to show your understanding of the learning progression that can be shown from the completion of the open task you completed - from a little progress through to going beyond - using a Year 5/6 curriculum level expectation as your "task accomplished".

*NB. 600 words is the percentage equivalent for this assignment, but being as concise and succinct as possible is more important than the actual number of words.

Individual written components

a) Evaluation of assessment strategies(400 words)

This evaluation is individual.

Compare and contrast the usefulness of assessment strategies from A1 (mathematics assessment interviews such as the RNI) and assessment strategy from A2 (open-ended tasks with a rubric) for gaining knowledge about students' mathematical knowledge and proficiencies. Discuss both advantages and disadvantages of each assessment strategy for providing information for teachers to plan future learning opportunities for diverse learners, and how they can be used to provide feedback to students about their learning.

Use evidence-based mathematics education research literature to support your evaluation.

b) Intended use in future practice(200 words)

Using the research literature, justify how and why you would use these two assessment strategies in terms of impact on your teaching and students' learning.

How might you use diagnostic interview assessments to support your teaching and student learning?

How might you use rubrics to inform your teaching and student learning?

Learning outcomes:LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

How to submit:Submit via Canvas

Return of assessment:Via Canvas within the 3-week timeframe set by the University (adjustments may occur if moderation/double-marking of submissions is required).

Assessment criteria:

Quality of assessment rubric

Quality of evaluation of assessment strategies

Quality of intended use of assessment strategies

Quality of academic writing and referencing

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 60

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