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Exercise Prescription Programme And Justification

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Added on: 2024-06-12 11:24:00
Order Code: CLT325122
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1. Program justification

1.1 Theoretical client profile and pre-screening result

This particular study aims to focus on development of exercise program in order to improve the muscle strength and cardio-vascular endurance the individual. The name of the individual is Sarah and she is 27 years old working in a corporate as a marketing management. The individual have always been pretty active and I really enjoy doing a variety of activities like hiking running and yoga. Sarah has passionate about resistance training and often she love to challenge her to get fitter aerobically. This particular aspect helps to gain some strength through resistance training. Due to the work-pressure, the clients have failed to focus on exercise such as cardio, running and resistance training. Approximately, 8-10 hours of work, have greatly impacted on gym time and resistance training of Sarah.

1.2 Most appropriate exercise prescription recommendation

As per the above exercise program, it has been shown that, Cardio activity 1. Cardio activity 2, are the key recommended exercise program that helps to improve the cardio-vascular endurance of Sarah. In activity 1, swimming, running and hiking are the key exercise that have been designed. Swimming works the back, core, arms, legs, and other major muscle groups all at once, making it a complete workout. Swimming strengthens the heart and promotes cardiovascular fitness by raising heart rate and enhancing circulation.

Swimming has been shown to be a calming and stress-relieving activity that improves mental health and wellbeing. This particular aerobic exercise can improve the breathe in a steady, regular manner. Through swimming, muscles receive more oxygen as a result and thatboosts performance all around.Swimming is a low-impact, full-body activity that can dramatically improve cardiovascular endurance when added to thetraining regimen. In order to get best, individual can progressively increase the duration and intensity of the workouts based on your current level of fitness (Knechtle et al. 2020). Target heart rate (THR) should be 50 to 70 per cent of maximum heart rate of this individual in order to maintain the intensity. For muscle strength, upper body exercise, such as dynamic stretch and Static stretch have been deigned.

On the other hand, the bench press is a compound exercise that can be performed with a large load, which makes it useful for developing maximum strength and power of the upper body. It is frequently utilized in powerlifting and strength training regimens because it can be gradually overloaded by adding weight. Moreover, Squats are an excellent compound exercise for developing whole lower body strength and power since this particular exercise helps to develop a working strategy with number of significant muscle groups. In addition, this lower body exercise serve as the cornerstone of strength training regimens and are essential for improving sports performance. It is frequently utilized in powerlifting and strength training regimens because it can be gradually overloaded by adding weight.

Dynamic stretching helps the muscles transport more oxygen and nutrients, which can enhance muscle function and performance. Enhancing power and strength performance in following activities, this particular exercise primes the muscles for action and activates the neurological system. Several literatures indicate that dynamic stretching prior to strength training can enhance performance in high-intensity physical exercises like running and jumping. Static stretching before strength training has been found appropriate to improve muscular strength and power production (Opplert & Babault 2017). Regular static stretching can increase general flexibility, which may then positively impact muscular strength. This particular exercise also helps to improve effective movement patterns and lowering the chance of injury. Based on the review from Sperlich et al. (2017), In comparison with the conventional strength training or cardio sessions alone, circuit training enables a thorough workout in a shorter amount of time. In hectic schedules, this training is perfect to increase the muscle endurance. High intensity circuit training can raise metabolic rate both during and after a workout and also increase the amount of calories burn even in resting time. Functional workouts that replicate commonplace actions are a common feature of circuit training that enhances total functional strength and lowering injury risk. Circuit training for muscular endurance provides a thorough exercise program that improves cardiovascular fitness, total functional strength and muscle endurance. It is appropriate for a broad spectrum of people from all young generation to older.

For the lower body exercise, Lunges have been designed to improve the muscular strength. Individual can change the intensity of lunges to target different muscles. Bulgarian split squats, walking lunges, reverse lunges, and lateral lunges are other variations (Nadzalan et al. 2016). Stabilizer muscles, especially those in the hips and core are used in order to maintain balance and stability during lunges and that promotes general strength and helps prevent injuries.

2. Conclusion

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that, 6 weeks exercise program can positively impacted on performance and productivity management of Sarah. Both upper body and lower body exercise helps to improve the muscle strength and cardio can helps to improve the cardio-vascular endurance.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : June 12th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 99

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