HYPERLINK "https://learning.aib.edu.au/course/view.php?id=1417" o "8004OMGT Operations Management 2023 Term 6"8004OMGT Operations Management 2023 Te
HYPERLINK "https://learning.aib.edu.au/course/view.php?id=1417" o "8004OMGT Operations Management 2023 Term 6"8004OMGT Operations Management 2023 Term 6
Assessment informationAssessment 2
Assessment 2
Completion requirements
To do:Make a submission.
Due:Thursday, 30 November 2023, 11:55 PM
Weight:65%Format:3000-word written report(+10% tolerance)
Following your analysis in the first assessment, it is now time to think about how to take the operations into the next stage of the Hayes and Wheelwright Four Stage model and make it a means to deliver superior value to customers.Overall, your report critically analyses and evaluates one process (or operation) in an organisation and proposes two well-justified recommendations for improvement. The organisation can be the one you worked on for the first assessment, or can be any other organisation from service, not-for-profit, public, manufacturing, etc. you are familiar with.
Subject Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate advanced understanding of operations management principles, frameworks, and contemporary topics.
Critically analyse and evaluate operations management issues.
Clearly, concisely, and credibly communicate operations management knowledge to others.
Apply relevant principles and frameworks to develop innovative and evidence-based solutions for complex operations management issues.
Specifically, you need to:
Clearly describe the selected process (or operation) so that the reader can clearly understand it. Please ensure you present a process (or network) map to support your discussion. If the process is large, you may focus on only a part of it, i.e. delimit the scope
Critically analyse and evaluate the selected process (or operation) using relevant operations management principles taught in any two of the following topics:
Process positioning (Discussed in Week 3)
Process analysis (Discussed in Week 3
Supply chain management (Discussed in Week 4)
Lean synchronisation (Discussed in Week 4)
Digital transformation and Industry 4.0 (Discussed in Week 5)
Risk and resilience (Discussed in Week 6)
Based on your analysis and evaluation, propose and justify two recommendationsone for each selected topicthat can take the operations to the next stage of the Hayes and Wheelwright Four Stage model.
The required word length for this assessment is3000 words(+ 10% before penalty applies).
In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use:
AIB standard report format. UseAssessment 2 templateAIB preferred Microsoft Word settings
author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations and a reference list)
These requirements are detailed in theAIB Style Guide.
This assessment requires you to use a minimum ofsix (6)credible academic sources inaddition to your textbook. You may also use the current company, industry, government and media sources to support your statements, but these will NOT count toward the minimum required credible academic sources for your assessment. Most web-based sources are not sufficiently rigorous and credible for academic assessments and will NOT count toward the minimum required credible academic sources for your assessment. For further guidance, refer toScholarly, academic & peer-reviewed journals.
You must appropriately acknowledge all sources of information in your assessment following theAIB Style Guide. This includes the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT. See relevant sections on 'Academic Integrity', 'Generative Artificial Intelligence' and 'Referencing' in theAIB Style Guide.
Assessment Resources
The purpose of the example/s is to stimulate your critical thinking. Comments indicate areas of strength and opportunities for improvement for you to consider. However, the example does not provide a model answer. You must follow the assessment instructions with regard to content.
Assessment 2 ExampleGrading criteria and feedback
Your assessment will be marked according to the following grading criteria:
Criterion 1(20%): The extentto which the question is addressed
Criterion 2(25%):Advanced understanding of operations management principles, frameworks, and contemporary topics.
Criterion 3(45%): Application of principles, frameworks, and contemporary topics to develop well-justified, practical, and innovative recommendations.
Criterion 4(5%):Communication, structure, and language.
Criterion 5(5%): Referencing.
SeeAssessment 2 rubric