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Module Code: 6HL004

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Order Code: SA Student Barry Medical Sciences Assignment(3_24_40767_552)
Question Task Id: 503400

Student Number:

Module Code: 6HL004

Module Leader: Meg Clifford

Module Title: Promoting Health: Assessing and Addressing health needs.

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Declaration of Originality: I hereby declare that this work is my own and that no part has been copied from any other author, student or individual. I also state that this work has not formed any other significant part of academic assessment submission. I understand that in submitting this work it may be subject to anti-plagiarism software and that it will enter a University of Wolverhampton quality control system including initial and second marking, internal moderation and external moderation.


1. Background ..

Part 1. Identifying Health Needs..

1.1. Table of Findings and Mapping Theories

1.2. Discussion of Health Needs Theories .

1.3. Prioritising the Health Needs ....

Part 2. A Strategy to Address the Health Needs

2.1. Strategy Aim and Smart Objectives .

2.2. Health Promotion Activities

2.3. Resources and Communication Skills.

2.4. Evaluation.

3. References..4. Appendices.


Population group

Background(150 words)

You should provide a concise background that justifies why this group needs attention, with epidemiological data showing they experience poorer health / health inequalities/ are more at risk of unhealthy behaviour).Use Office of National Statistics, Department of Health, WHO data, or other official body.

Part 1: Identifying Health Needs

Find 2 research studies into the health needs of your group. (One qualitative study and one quantitative study: The qualitative study needs an exploration of the chosen group's views on their own health needs).

Use the studies to complete the table below to summarise findings.

Table of Findings and Mapping Theories

Title, year of articles Methodology Findings

1.2. Discussion of health needs theories

Thenanalysethese needs byapplyingthehealth needs theoriesof Maslow, Seedhouse, Doyal and Gough.

You only need to discuss 2 theories here E.g. Needs can be linked to aspects of theories(Maslow, Seedhouse or Doyal & Gough), which show a link/relation between the need and theory.

1.3. Prioritising the health needs

Provide an outline of Bradshaws type of need theory and what has been identified within both articles.

Identify themost significantunmet need, with a rationale to justify why this is the most important. Apply Bradshaw amongst 1 other health promotion theory of your choice, for example health belief of stages of change.

AlsoYou should end this section with aclear prioritised health need. The priority health need is...

2. Part two:A Strategy to Address the Health Needs

2.1. Aim

Give one clear AIM which is broad statement linked to your objectives.

Example: To increase teachers understanding, skills and confidence in their ability to provide accessible sex education to the younger population in all types of educational settings in Wolverhampton.


Twodifferent types ofSMART objectives stating the type of objective each is, to address the prioritised health need. You will find the types of objectives in the presentation in Week 5.

e.g.Objective 1(type) , state the SMART objective

Objective 2(type), etc EXAMPLE: (Educational) 70% of all male and female teachers in an educational setting, will be able to provide confidently, appropriate sex education to students aged 11-18 years by June 2023.

EXAMPLE: (Environmental) 100% of all education settings in Wolverhampton, will have a safe accessible space for teachers to engage with younger students regarding sexual health concerns by June 2023.

Your strategy needs to include2 different typesof objectives (not more than 1 educational objective!)

2.2. Health Promotion Activities

Use Beatties model of health promotion approaches to structure your strategy, justifying two activities by reference to the underpinninghealth promotion theories, models, principles, paradigms, research, policy, examples of practice.

Comment on the relative value of two activities and the approach used. Explain which are most likely to improve health, and why.

Example is shown below:

Health Persuasion


Description:This will be based in the (setting), facilitated initially by (personnel), then ...( a few words on how the activity is delivered).

Justification:This is included because .. (e.g.) x model/theory/ suggests that.... ; the activity is guided by y principle which emphases .. A's research shows this activity is valuable for ., using the specific techniques used in B's practice/ C policy.

Do the same for the other one you choose:Legislative Action, Community Development, and Personal Counselling

2.3. Resources and Communication skills used:

Briefly outline thetypesof resources you will use, including the communication skills, with rationale for one of the above activities.

2.4. Evaluation

Describe and justify thetypesandmethodsof evaluation you plan to use for one activity. State also when, where and how the evaluation will take place, who will conduct it. You will find the different types of evaluation in the presentation in Week 10.


Better Evaluations (2022) Impact evaluation | BetterEvaluation. Available at: https://www.betterevaluation.org/methods-approaches/themes/impact-evaluation (Accessed: 15 January 2023).

Bradshaw, J. (1972) Taxonomy of social need.

Seedhouse, D. (2001) Health: The Foundations for Achievement. John Wiley & Sons.

World Health Organisation (2012) Ottawa charter for health promotion. Available at: https://www.who.int/publications-detail-redirect/ottawa-charter-for-health-promotion (Accessed: 15 January 2023).


  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 30

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