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PSYC1004 Foundations of Psychology:Assignment

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Added on: 2022-12-10 10:14:18
Order Code: 480541
Question Task Id: 0

1. a) What are the typical effects of short-term (i.e., for a few days at most)sleep
deprivation? (7 marks)
Your answer should consider research into the effects of sleep deprivation on
various areas of functioning and should be sufficiently detailed to consider
whether sleep deprivation can impact people differently, depending on the
context in which it occurs. For example, the length of time that the individual has
been deprived of sleep, or the situation/task they are engaged in. Do not refer to
Dotto (2000) in this answer.
b) Compare Dottos experiences to the typical effects (according to research)
of short-term sleep deprivation. (4 marks)
Were her experiences what you would expect? Was there anything unusual
about Dottos sleep deprivation experience? You should link this to the research
you cited in 1a when answering this question and use examples from Dotto
(2000) to support your points. Examples of Julias (Dotto, 2000) experience are
also acceptable.
2. Dotto reported napping for approximately 2 hours. Were the effects of this nap
what you would expect them to be, based on research findings into napping?
Use examples from Dotto (2000) to illustrate. Would different length napslikely have resulted in different effects? (11 marks)
In answering this question, you should consider a wide range of research intonapping and explain how/why Dottos experience is consistent, or inconsistent,
with these research findings. You will need to consider the impact that napping
can have on various aspects of functioning and whether the effects of taking a nap
can vary depending on other factors, such as the length of the nap or the type of
task the individual is completing. You should consider whether there was anything
surprising or unusual about Dottos napping experience, compared to researched
effects of napping.
3. Weigh up the long-term pros and cons of regular napping in a particular
population, for example older adults, young children, FIFO workers, etc. You
should focus on the long-term consequences of regular napping, rather than
short-term consequences. (13 marks)
When discussing this topic, you should refer to research on the long-term effects
(positive and negative) of regular/habitual napping for the population that you
have chosen. This might include factors such as health implications, but it is up to
you what to discuss. You need to consider both sides of the argument and weigh
up the evidence, coming to an overall conclusion. Your answer should be
sufficiently detailed to cover the topic in depth. Please note that this question is
not referring to the short-term effects of napping such as Dotto experienced. We
are interested in long-term outcomes.
4. Referencing (10 marks)
Use in-text references for all material included in your assignment, paraphrase
appropriately, and include a complete end-text reference list. In-text and end-text
references should be in APA (7th ed.) format. See the following guidelines
available from the Curtin Library resources.
5. Formatting (5 marks)
All formatting requirements (see below) must be followed, and the assignment
must be written consistently with APA 7th ed. formatting. A cover page is not

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 10th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 215

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more