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SITHIND002: Source and use information on hospitality Industry assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-03 11:29:04
Order Code: CLT315473
Question Task Id: 0

Task 1: Written questions


  1. Describe two new products that are available to consumers of hospitality products.
  2.  Describe two new techniques that are available in the hospitality industry.
  3.  Describe two new technologies that are available in the hospitality industry.
  4.  Describe two new services that are available in the hospitality industry.

Question2. What are ten important work attributes and ethics that a worker needs in the hospitality industry?

Question3. Where would you go to find out information about the following:

  1. Code of practice for manual handling
  2. Australian Tourist Accreditation Program
  3. Information about the hotel industry in Australia
  4. Information about how to deal with a tricky issue that has come up in your workplace.
  5. Plain English explanation of the requirements of legislation relevant to the hospitality industry.
  6. Requirements for training in food handling
  7. Union membership for hospitality workers:
  8. Provide an example of a hospitality industry journal.
  9. Provide an example of a media article that provides information about trends in hospitality.
  10. Provide two opportunities that hospitality workers have to network within their industry.
  11. Provide an example of a time where you have had a personal experience that has influenced how you would like to conduct your own practice as a hospitality manager.

Question4. How does the hospitality industry contribute to the Australian economy? Make sure you cite the source of your information.

Question5. As a hospitality manager you will need to frequently work with people from other industry groups. Explain four important characteristics that will lead to effective relationships with the following people:

  1. Supplier of a product
  2. A person from the liquor licencing authority who provides information on how to comply with requirements.
  3. A public health inspector who has come to audit your kitchen.
  4. Sales person who has come in unannounced.

Question6. You are working in a restaurant where food and alcohol is served. A supplier has made a delivery but also asks you to give your supervisor a bag full of chocolates that are to be given out to customers as part of a promotion within the restaurant. A co-worker has seen the bag of chocolates and decides to take some for herself as they are her favourite brand. What should you do and why?

Question7. You are working in a hotel which contains a gaming room. Two men approach you at the bar and while you are serving them, they ask you a number of questions. These questions were general at first but then they became more specific. They asked you the following questions:

  1. Has this hotel got a gaming venue?
  2. Where is it?
  3. What time does it close?
  4. Does it have a back door?
  5. Does it have security?
  6. How much money do people gamble every day?
  7. When the machines are emptied, how is the money handled?
  8. What should you do and why?

Question8. You are working at a bar and a group of your old school friends come up to the bar. You haven’t seen them in a very long time and are pleased to see them. One of the group asks you for a free drink as ‘you owe him one’ because he helped you once when your car had broken down.

What should you do and why?

Question9. You are working in a hospitality service and an opportunity arises for promotion. The position has been advertised externally on the internet. You have been working hard and all of your supervisors have advised you to apply for the position as you display all of the qualities, skills and knowledge that are required. You have spent time on your resume and your application and you are aware that two other staff members are interested in the position. You all know each other well and are supportive of each other.

You arrive at work on the day of your interview. You are told that no interviews will be going ahead as the manager has decided to give the job to an acquaintance of his. It appears that he does not have relevant experience in the job.

  • Is the manager acting legally? Why/why not?
  • What options do applicants for the job have to get a fair deal?

Task 2: Research project

Task summary

For this task you will research information about the hospitality industry and write a report on your findings.


There are four parts to the research you will do.

Part A – Structure and operation of the hospitality industry
Part B – Employment opportunities
Part C – Current issues and trends
Part D – Quality assurance.

Part A – Structure and operation of the hospitality industry

Research information on the structure and operation of the hospitality industry as follows:

1. Research the four main sectors within the hospitality industry:

  • Accommodation
  • Food services
  • Beverage services
  • Casinos.

Use the following table to document each sector’s main functions, key characteristics (e.g. types of customers, hours of operation, types of employment and employment patterns, customer expectations) and the types of products or services provided.

2. For each of the sectors in Question 1 above, nominate one example of a business that is in that sector. Describe the characteristics of that business and the products and/or services that it provides.

3. The hospitality industry does not operate in isolation. There are many other industries that support or relate to the hospitality industry. Consider each of the businesses you named in question A2 above and list at least five other industry groups that they would need to rely on for their operations.

4. You are a manager at Marino Enterprises. You are keen to make sure that you are making good use of resources available to you and your staff from various professional organisations.
Research the professional organisations available that support businesses such as Marino Enterprises and answer the following questions.

  • What are two unions that are relevant to this business? Provide a brief description for each union.
  • Research how an employee can join each of the two unions you have identified. Take a screen dump of the instructions, or print out the information and attach to this assessment.
  • Research a peak body that represents a number of industries, including the hospitality industry and provide a brief description.
  • Research a professional association that is related to a specific sector of the hospitality industry that is of direct interest to Marino Enterprises. Explain how the association could be of assistance to Marino Enterprises’ operations.

5. There are a number of pieces of legislation that contribute to the regulation of hospitality businesses. It is important that everyone who is employed in the industry understands their obligations in accordance with the legislation.

a. Conduct research to identify six pieces of legislation relevant to the hospitality industry and provide a brief explanation of its general purpose including some of the general provisions of the legislation.
The legislation that you identify may be National legislation or the State legislation of the State or Territory in which you are studying.

b. As a worker in the hospitality industry, what are two legal responsibilities that you will have? Provide a short explanation of each.

c. As a business, what are two legal responsibilities that Marino Enterprises has? Provide a short explanation of each.

6. Businesses in the hospitality industry are often situated within the community where people live and as such they are required to make sure that the community is protected from problems that may be associated with hospitality services.

a. List four complaints that a local resident might make to the owner of a hospitability service, to the local council or to the police. Outline why the local resident may make the complaint.

b. List two pieces of legislation that stipulate requirements for hospitality services to protect the local amenity of the area.

Part B – Employment opportunities

1. For this task you must research a wide range of employment opportunities in several sectors and job roles.

Choose five job roles from each of the four industry sectors. Write a short report for each job that you could give to a person who is interest in employment in the hospitality industry. Each report must include:

  • Job role
  • Typical duties performed in this job role
  • Workplace award
  • Training required
  • Desired characteristics for a person in this role
  • Future career pathways leading on from each position.

Use a wide variety of sources for your research, including your text book and the internet. Make sure you cite the sources of your information using the Harvard style.

7. You have just landed your dream job as the Food and Beverage Manager in Marino Enterprises. You know that your success in the job will rely on your keeping on top of legislative requirements, changes to compliance requirements and consumer trends in food items on offer. What are six things you will do to make sure you are keeping abreast of changes?

8. A member of your team has come to ask you about her minimum pay rate under the Hospitality Industry General Award. The team member, Gloria, is 17 years old and is employed as a Level 1 Guest Service Grade 1. She wants to know the following:

Her hourly pay

  • Hourly pay rate when working Monday to Friday between 7pm to midnight
  • Hourly pay rate when working Monday to Friday between midnight and 7am
  • Hourly pay rate when working on a Saturday
  • Hourly pay rate when working on a Sunday
  • Hourly pay rate when working on a Public Holiday

Part C – Current issues and trends

1. Complete the following template for each area listed:

Current issues and trends

Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Social influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Political influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Economic influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Technological influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Environmental influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Legal influences

  • Current issues
  • Trends
  • Potential impact on Marino Enterprises 

2. Document how you sourced information for the previous question from at least three of the sources listed.

  • Discussion with experienced industry personnel
  • Industry accreditation operators
  • Industry associations and organisations
  • Industry journals, reference books and seminars
  • Libraries and media
  • Networking with colleagues and suppliers
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Plain English documents issued by government regulators that describe laws relevant to the hospitality industry
  • Training courses you have attended Unions
  • Developers of codes of conduct or ethics

3. Think about a hospitality venue that is similar to Marino Enterprises that you have visited in your local area, and answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the venue. You do not have to name it if you prefer not to.
  2. What products and services does this venue currently provide?
  3. Do you consider that the products and services are ‘in trend’ or are they outdated. Explain your answer.
  4. If you were a manager at this venue, what is one emerging trend product or service that you would like to see implemented in this venue?

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 03rd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 198

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  • Journals
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more