Teaching the True History of Christopher Columbus
Section A
Question 1
Children should be taught by us at a young age regarding Christopher Columbus due to the fact that in school it is only instructed typically by educators that America was found out by Columbus. Nevertheless, the actual fact be known is that during the time period when other people were also living in that place. Deeper insights were not undertaken by educators with regards to the process of how Africans were subjugated by him together with West Indies, local peoples, and non-Christians were constrained to produce alterations to Christianity specifically among various dreadful things. The excursions of Columbus to the American people paved the path for all European Unions for colonizing and taking benefit of several people groups and those terrains. Settlement regarding the slave exchange was done long before among American and European people. Likewise, this shipping lane took the preparation for the kind of slave exchange taking place between American, African, and European people. Along with the advancement of times, the common history must be known by children and not a few less forceful renditions. It is my perception that educators within schools must start to elaborate on experiences with regard to the common story behind, the philosopher Columbus (Desai, 2014). As an educator, I shall teach young children how in an unsuitable manner the individual provided treatment to their ancestors. Eventually, it was clarified by me how huge Tiano Indian people were caught by him who were identified basically as the Caribbean's unique occupants.
Columbus treated them as slaves and also carried them to various countries of the planet and Spain. Even, African people were additionally oppressed by him along with taking the group to America. I think while teaching children with regard to Christopher Columbus, educators must be very cautious while selecting words. I feel the discussion should be carried forward in an age-suitable manner while placing some noteworthy statements. Students need to realize the fact that a particular man is being originally placed by their own nation who had seamlessly tormented their predecessors (Weatheranchormama, 2017). This raises questions and doubts concerning the fact that the nation had been likely throughout the years to delete history and whether it perceives people who deserve appreciation and acknowledgment. Additionally, it can be figured out that Columbus can still be acknowledged by people as driving the Spaniard people at first then the British and French, and lastly to the American people. Within any situation, I can observe he shall not obtain credit with regard to the New World's finding. It shall also not be considered the correct thing that people usually know for sure that the first non-American individual to land in America quite for sometimes is Columbus (Henning et al., 2006). I along with other educators have basically laid out the fact that people other than the community of Native Americans who have stayed in nearby places were highly comfortable with the American people. Overall, I mention that elaborating moments are powerful focal points based on which the young age group is required to observe their past.
Question 3
In relation to some historical context and taking into consideration the Rebellion of 1857, the same can also be identified as Indian Independence's First War or 1957s Indian Rebellion. This historical event can be understood as a vital uprising incident within India against the British East India Companys rule. A potential event that took place within imperialism and colonialism history is basically the rebellion and can be presented in various unique manners. It has been argued by preservationiststhat these statutes can be considered vital historical artifacts and must be preserved specifically to obtain a potential educational value. It is believed by them that eliminating these statuesmight stand out as equivalent to eliminating history (Burch?Brown, 2020). Further, critics also place arguments that individuals are being highlighted by people who have the responsibility to produce extreme injustice and suffering. Furthermore, it is also believed by them that it is necessary to eliminate the statutes from areas in certain museums and public places where they are usually observed in an accurate historical context. Generally, it is also proposed by recontextualiststhat adding some vital information materials or plaques to these statutes specifically for offering additional context with regards to the people they elaborate on as well as the historical circumstances they are linked with. Preserving place names and historic statues can draw a wide range of positive objectives. Various artifacts layers are produced by different types of historical eras and these kinds of accretions can result in creating a historical development sense of alterations and traveled distance over time. The latest generations can receive a wide reflection into the past by placing these historical artifacts correctly (Digital Scholar and Walden, 2011). Hence, the possibility is there to not accept the notion that a positive valence can be obtained by heritage importantly, rather than that heritage conceptualization can be a past's part regarded by people as their own and by following all difficulties.
Analyzing these essential events with regard to the rebellion of 1857, it is my perception and belief that it is very much essential to take into consideration this problem by undertaking a balanced viewpoint. Although it is vital to know and develop knowledge from historical aspects, it is also vital to take into notice these statuess impact on individuals who are basically descendants of some people who had dealt with British slavery and imperialism. Hence, a contextualization initiative will be recommended by me. This shall include placing the statutes yet incorporating certain information plaquesthat offer a more balanced perspective in relation to the people they depict. Further, this initiative would provide an allowance for people to gain innovative knowledge from history and at the same time not highlight people who had eventually been exposed to extreme injustice and suffering (Lester, 2021). Nevertheless, it is vital to also consider that there is the presence of only a single perspective along with several valid points of view on these problems. Eventually, the decision with regards to what steps need to be taken considering the statutes must be placed in the form of a democratic procedure that highlights stakeholders' views.
Section B
Question 5
The First World War took place in the time period of 1914 to 1918 after Franz Ferdinand was assassinated who is being identified as Archduke of Austria. Above 21 million soldiers were wounded and 20 million died when the Great War took place. It might be ascribed to channel welfare together with the total countries number engaged in the way, comprising more than 1lakh troops from America. Some of the key causes for the war that took place include European expansion, Serbian nationalism, and alliances of mutual defense (Norwich, 2024). European nations' expansion as empires identified as imperialism has been a root cause for the arrival of World War I due to the fact that when countries such as France and Britain widened their empires, it led to a potential rise in tensions and complexities among several European countries. They were basically the cause of several colonies usually being grabbed in the form of coercion. Thereafter, when a particular nation was conquered, the imperial nation governed it. Mothers of several colonial nations were engaged in exploiting those nations and this reflected the arrival of resentment and dissatisfaction. Secondly, nationalism was identified as one of the key political forces that utilized its power during the time of ruling World War I specifically with Serbian nationalism also taking an equally important role. The nationalism of Serbia had been dated to take place within the late and middle 1800s in the form of two bringing about nationalist circumstances that were connected directly to World War I since the beginning stage (Levy, 2015). Within the Balkans region, independence was sought by Slavic Serbs from the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary, and within 1878; people from these regions had made attempts for gaining authority in Herzegovina and Bosnia for the formation of a unified state in Serbia.
When the Ottoman Empire declined, there was continuity in the growth of Serbian nationalism, reaching the peak with the assassination of Austria's Archduke by a Serb of Bosnia in 1914 and officially setting off the Great War's beginning. Various countries' nationalism surrounding Europe resulted in a contribution of the war's extension within Europe. Attempts were made by each country to justify their power and dominance, thereby making the war more extended and complicated. The third aspect included alliances related to mutual defense where it was observed that within the imperialism age before World War I, alliances were created by countries surrounding Europe and agreements of mutual defense that would pressurize them to get into battle or war (Albany, 2020). It was further promised by the alliance that every country shall assist the other when there might be a division of war between a Great Power and an ally. Before the war, Serbian and Russian alliances, Russia and France, Austria-Hungary and Italy, Germany, Britain, Belgium and France, Russia and Britain, France and Britain and Japan were put in place firmly. The group or alliance between Russia, Britain, and France was established in 1907 and had been identified as the Triple Entente which resulted in potential abrasion among nations.
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