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Type of Collaboration: Individual

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Order Code: SA Student Vincent IT Computer Science Assignment(4_24_41615_575)
Question Task Id: 505329


Type of Collaboration: Individual

Submission: By Turnitin through the Cities vUWS site Format

Length: 1,000 words

Use of Artificial Intelligence: At the beginning of term staff will co-design an agreement on using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools with students in this subject. Any use of generative AI tools in this assessment task must follow the terms of this agreement.

Using photographic data (collected during the field trip) and other primary sources (e.g. archival material from the City of Sydney or NSW State Library websites, urban studies and geographical academic journals and books) identify and discuss 3 ways in which Pyrmonts urban landscape provides evidence of how Sydney has become a global economic city Readings to begin with: Bounds, M & Morris, A 2001, Economic restructuring and gentrification in the inner city, Australian Planner, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 128-132 Fitzgerald, S & Golder, H 1994, Pyrmont & Ultimo under siege, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney. Sant, M & Jackson, S 1991, Strategic planning and urban restructuring: the case of Pyrmont/-Ultimo, Australian Geographer, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 136-146. Stilwell, F 1998, Globalization and Cities: An Australian Perspective, Review of Radical Political Economics, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 139-167.

Dos and Donts of a Photographic Essay: A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 photographs should be used in your essay Use photographs you took yourself (not the ones your friend took) Ensure that you record the location of each photograph you take, the direction you were facing, and the subject of the photograph As with all types of geographic evidence (e.g., tables, bar graphs, pie charts) the 3Ws must be covered in the title (caption) for a photograph: what, where & when and a source statement should also be provided. Make sure you provide figure numbers for all photographs and other visual data used in your essay in the order they appear (e.g., Figure 1; Figure 2, etc). Refer to all photographs used in the main body of your essay. If you use a photograph as visual data, you should ensure you refer to it in your argument. Acknowledge all sources. Even if paraphrasing or summarising, author and date still needed. Avoid online dictionaries and encyclopaedias, like Wikipedia. They can be unreliable. One alternative is to go to the verifiable sources that are referenced. Use your own words to demonstrate your understanding of referenced material. No marks for quotations (only for your own words).

Do not cite lecture notes - go to the source. Use proper paragraphs structures: A fairly typical paragraph begins with a topic sentence that makes a general statement. The sentences that follow then support or develop that statement with details, examples and evidence (Australian Government Publishing Style Manual, 1988, p.6). 13 Structure your essay. Have an Introduction that is aligned with a Conclusion. The Introduction should be a road map for the essay, and present your key argument and/or theory, define your case study, etc. The Conclusion must address the points raised in the Introduction. Address the essay question being answered. Make sure the argument is actually in response to the question - pick out keywords, make sure if it says critically evaluate that you critically evaluateHere is all the picture that I capture all of this is at Sydney ( suburb of Pyrmont) NSW

The upper here is the marking guild use it to help you do it pls.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 49

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