You are traveling on a plane to San Francisco for an industry conference. Given that it is a long flight, the person seated next to you strikes up a
You are traveling on a plane to San Francisco for an industry conference. Given that it is a long flight, the person seated next to you strikes up a conversation.When the inevitable, so-what-do-you question arises, you mention you are an MBA/MCIS student studying the value of Information Technology. Hah, says an eaves dropper in the next row, IT value! What a big bunch of malarkey!I remember reading a few years back that a bunch of researchers found that there was no relationship between how well a business does and how much they spend on IT. Pretty soon, everyone is going to wake up to the notion that IT is just a cost centerthatdoesn'tprovideany competitive advantage and stop wasting their money.
Before this gentleman turns his back on you and starts reading a novel, suggest to him (politely) why he may be incorrect. Summarize the evidence and opinionsbothfor and against seeing IT as a source of competitive advantage.
I am looking for a thorough analysis of this issue. Be sure to summarize the main points and perspectives both for and against seeing IT as a source of competitive advantage. Be sure to include material from the course readings in your answer, along with any additional references to support your positions. Be sure to provide citations in your answers to support your points and give a complete list of all references.
Hilton Hotels ( is a worldwide leader in the hospitality industry. In order to thrive in this competitive environment Hilton must adjust to changes in the environment that impact competition.
Provide an analysis of the competitive landscape for Hilton Hotels using Porters Five Competitive Forces. Structure your answer around:
Each of the competitive forces and its impact on Hiltons business model
The role of information technology in changing the competitive environment for Hilton
Ways that information technology could be incorporated into Hiltons strategy to address the competitive forces
I am looking for a thorough analysis that reflects an understanding of the impact of information technology on competition. You are free to use additional references to better understand the company and competitive environment. Please provide full citations for any references you use (including course readings).
I am NOT looking for a list of systems used by Hilton. This is a questionabout strategy and competition and how IT, both internal and external, can impact this landscape. I want you to think about the strategic implications of IT from the perspective of this particular company through the lens of the competitive forces.
Cloud computing has become one of the hottest tech buzzwords. Analyze the concept of cloud computing in terms of its impact on:
Corporate IT infrastructure How does cloud computing affect IT infrastructure? How does it change how companies need to think about infrastructure? What are key infrastructure considerations for cloud computing?
Reliability and Security How does cloud computing impact the risks faced by companies in managing their information resources? What considerations should companies make in dealing with these threats?
Some argue that cloud computing represents the commoditization of IT. Do you agree? Is that a good or a bad thing? Provide support for your answers.