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Audit Details
Project Name [what project have you selected]
Date(s) of audit [when did you start and finish this audit]
Auditor Type your name in this box
Scope and Purpose of Audit The purpose of the audit is to.
The scope of the audit is
Documents reviewed [This is like a normal reference list, but up front.
You must provide details of the documents/websites etc you reviewed preparing for the audit, undertaking the audit and preparing the report]
323855757400You might like to use Words Citations and Bibliography tool to create a Reference List here. see how to do this hereAlternatively, you might like to use EndNote!
Audit Checklist
[this table can be used to populate the commitments and obligations of the project].
Audit Code Subject Requirement How Evidence Phase Timeframe Status Further Information
Summary of Findings
Gaps in the Desktop Audit
Opportunities for Improvement
Revegetation Monitoring
You have been asked to undertake an inspection of the revegetation activities surrounding a new building (Building 15), with the revegetated areas are shown in green on the image below.
During your inspection you took photos as shown by on the figure above to record your observations at three locations; A, B and C.
The revegation area consists of a range of species including
Balga (Xanthorrhoea preissii)
Golden Conostylis (Conostylis aurea)
Guinea Flower (Hibbertia scandens)
Use the observations section of the following table to comment on the quality of the regrowth and any other casual observations you may have seen, including presence of weeds and/or littering.
Image Observations
Site A: North east corner, viewing west
Site A: North middle, viewing south west
Site A: North middle, viewing west
Site B: West middle, facing west
Site C: South west corner, facing north east
Site C: South side, facing north Findings
right27935100Based on your observations, write a short summary report on your findings of the vegetation inspection.
Recommendations and Opportunities for Improvement
Suggest three recommendations the building owner should consider (what) in relation to the outcomes of your visual inspection of the revegetation activities and include a short justification (why).
Waste Management Plans for Developments
The requirement for a Waste Management Plan to be prepared as part of the approvals process for commercial buildings and infrastructure projects is increasing. These plans are usually reviewed and approved by the local government authority for where the project is located.
The WA Local Government Authority (WALGA) has developed guidelines to help both the project developers, and the councils through the planning process. Some local governments (often referred to as Councils) have also developed their own specific requirements, beyond what the WALGA guidelines recommend.
Project Information
A retail and commercial office development is proposed, with the following anticipated tenants:
Supermarket (3,202 m2 floor area)
Retail shops (1,920 m2 floor area)
Caf and take away food (240 m2 floor area)
Bar and Restaurant (240 m2 floor area)
Commercial offices (1,285 m2 floor area)
Public toilets (4 Female, 4 Male, 1 Unisex and 1 Disabled Access)
You should assume that a suitably sized, secure but without an enclosed roof bin store is provided for in the design. The location of the store is positioned so that it has direct access to the street.
The overarching outcome of this activity is to use the following information and the WALGA guidelines, prepare an outline Waste Management Plan as a draft for submission to the Council for assessment.
Identify what regulatory requirements and waste management principles would apply (i.e the regulatory context from ISO14001:2015)
Prepare a Table of Contents for the plan, using an Environmental Management Plan structure and considering the Simple Waste Management Plan Appendix 5a Design Phase requirements.
Identify what waste streams you think the development will generate, including recyclable streams.
Prepare a set of goals and targets for the development, considering the WA Waste Avoidance Act and its supporting documentation.
Use Excel, to prepare an estimate of the amount of waste, by waste stream, which would be expected based on Appendix 1 of the WALGA guideline and make recommendations for the sizes of the bins for the development (not the bins that would be at each of the tenancies).
Propose a waste collection frequency for the different waste streams.
Identify, and propose solutions for any signage and safety considerations in relation to management of wastes, both wastes taken to the bin store by tenants and the collection of wastes would you need to account for in your plan.
Propose a waste monitoring and inspection program. This includes how information provided by the waste contractor would be used to monitor performance against the goals and targets, or help with the identification of opportunities for improvement (i.e quantities are provided by stream on the invoices they issue to the Facilities Manager).
Propose an audit program, considering the WALGA guidelines. You may also like to consider the NABERS Waste information.
Use the information collected above to fill out the relevant sections of your waste management plan.
Compare what you have prepared to the plan which the information for this activity is based around.
Weeds and Pathogens
Weeds and pathogens can take over the ecosystem replacing or killing native plant species that support functioning ecosystems. This activity looks at reviewing site inspection photographs to identify potential issues that may require management on site.
The following resources will help you as you work through this activity:
Being WEEDwiseProject DiebackFor each of the photos, identify what environmental issues you see in the photos.
Image Observations
right27935100Based on your observations, write a short summary report on your findings of the vegetation inspection.
Recommendations and Opportunities for Improvement
Suggest three recommendations the building owner should consider (what) in relation to the outcomes of your visual inspection of the revegetation activities and include a short justification (why).
During Week 12, you will have the ability to chose from a selection of activities designed to help you build skills which an Environmental Management professional may do as part of their job.For this last assessment task, you must submit anyTHREEcompleted activities from the Choose Your Own Adventure set for this assignment.
Environmental Management in Organisations
Environmental PolicesDownload Environmental PolicesEnergy MonitoringDownload Energy MonitoringDeveloping SDG aligned performance targetsDownload Developing SDG aligned performance targetsManagement measures aligned to UN SDGsDownload Management measures aligned to UN SDGsEnvironmental Management Systems, including AuditingDownload Environmental Management Systems, including Auditing[this is much longer than the other options and is available as PDF only]
Audit templateDownload Audit template(if you want to do a mock audit, I recommend usingCS EnergyLinks to an external site.)
Revegetation MonitoringDownload Revegetation MonitoringThreatened SpeciesDownload Threatened SpeciesWeeds and PathogensDownload Weeds and PathogensConvention on BiodiversityDownload Convention on Biodiversity
Pollution and Waste
NoiseDownload NoiseDustDownload DustWasteDownload WasteWaste management plans for Developmental ApprovalDownload Waste management plans for Developmental Approval
Data and InformationDownload Data and Information(Started in Weeks3/4)